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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-26 16:06

  本文選題:音樂教育 + 心理健康 ; 參考:《內(nèi)蒙古師范大學》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Music education is a part of the educational system popularized in China. It belongs to aesthetic education. Excellent middle school students must have good psychological quality. Good psychological quality is a healthy personality, an important part of human quality, and a good condition for the all-round talents needed in the future society. As a teenager, it is a period of time. Children, they are in the stage of rebellion, a little careless treatment of psychological problems, which will affect the development of their whole life. Among these children, there are many common psychological problems, such as anxiety, self blame, negative life, inability to control self emotion, weak psychological endurance, escape, failure to face failure, weak will, etc. Many middle school students still have fights and fights to drop out of school. So it can be seen that the life and study of middle school students have been violated by all kinds of psychological problems. And there are many factors that produce middle school students' psychological problems, such as school factors, social factors, family factors, human factors and so on. We must let the students solve the problem from the root. This hidden danger, otherwise not only himself, but also a serious impact on society. During this period, the special rebellion of the students will make them make arbitrary judgments or opposing views of some objective human things, and when they are confronted with other people's doubts, they are impatient and unwilling to listen to others. It is an arduous project to guide the students to the road to mental health. Music is an artistic form of human beings from ancient times to the present. It is not only highly infectious but also widespread in every corner of the world, using music. Under the influence of music, students can not only feel beauty, but also purify the mind, relieve the pressure, relieve the atmosphere, cultivate the sentiment, improve the personality, and let the students change and correct them unconsciously, thus helping them. The correct concept of life, values, world outlook. To cure the students' psychological problems with music is not only to face the different psychological problems of the middle school students, but also to make a better way of music education to guide and alleviate, and to the study of music psychology also has a higher social theoretical value. The development of Kang not only introduces the psychological health characteristics of middle school students and the psychological changes of middle school students in adolescence, but also concentrates on how to use music to guide and correct the psychology of middle school students, especially in the music classroom teaching. The study of the influence of middle school students' mental health development, combining with the practice teaching link and some students with different degrees of psychological problems, the author analyses the role of music education in cultivating the healthy psychology of middle school students, and puts forward the ways and means of how to adopt music education to adjust and improve the psychological problems of middle school students. There are some constructive ideas.


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