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  本文選題:江蘇省 + 初中 ; 參考:《揚州大學》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Physical Education and Health Curriculum is an important part of school curriculum and an important content of nine-year compulsory education. It is an important educational process to educate young students and improve the physical health of the vast number of young people in our country. As an important part of physical education, the theory course of physical education and health knowledge is a teaching course specialized in imparting knowledge of sports culture and related knowledge of health and hygiene. It is very important for students to learn and master the knowledge of sports culture, health and hygiene, and to form a correct cognition of sports and health. This paper mainly adopts the methods of literature, questionnaire, mathematical statistics, interview, logic analysis and so on. According to the relevant national regulations combined with the reality of junior high school in Jiangsu Province, the present situation of physical education and health knowledge theory teaching in 24 junior high schools in three regions of Jiangsu Province, north, middle and south of Jiangsu Province was investigated and studied. This research is based on the opening of the theory course of physical education and health knowledge in Jiangsu junior high school, the situation of the teachers, the teaching content and the teaching method. Five aspects of teaching evaluation were carried out to investigate and analyze the current teaching situation of sports and health knowledge theory course in junior middle school in Jiangsu province: the current situation of offering sports and health knowledge theory course was 1: 1, and the situation of sports theory was relatively common. The number of other courses is decreasing with the decrease of economic development, and the number of class hours is decreasing with the increase of grade. 15% of the teachers are physical education teachers of theoretical courses. The arrangement of teaching content is decreasing with the decrease of economic developed degree, the teaching method is diversified with the increase of economic developed degree, and the way of evaluation of learning effect is mostly closed examination method. And the score of the sports examination is very low. The problem in the teaching of physical education and health theory course is: 1. The opening situation of the theory course of physical education and health knowledge in Jiangsu junior middle school is not ideal, the class hours are less than 2%, and the PE teachers lack the professional theory knowledge. The teaching content is narrow, the teaching material is not unified at 1: 4, the teaching method is relatively single, the lack of interest is 5, and the teaching evaluation method is lack of systematicness. Students' learning and teachers' teaching are not optimistic. Through the investigation and analysis of teachers and students' cognition of physical education and health theory teaching, the results show that most teachers and students think that it is necessary to set up the theory course of physical education and health knowledge, and teachers and students are more willing to accept the theory course of physical education and health knowledge. In view of the above problems, this paper puts forward the following suggestions: to further improve the knowledge of physical education and health knowledge, to improve teachers' knowledge structure, to improve teachers' theoretical literacy, to ensure the class hours of sports and health knowledge theory courses; Selecting the teaching contents of the theory course of physical education and health knowledge, improving the teaching methods and means of the theory of sports and health knowledge, and perfecting the teaching evaluation system of the theory course of sports and health knowledge.


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