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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-26 14:16

  本文選題:數(shù)學程序性知識 + 數(shù)學理解; 參考:《山東師范大學》2016年碩士論文

[Abstract]:The mathematical programming knowledge is an important part of the high school students' mathematics learning. It not only affects the students' academic achievements, but also has some influence on the students' learning beliefs and learning enthusiasm. The actual situation is that some high school students can not understand the mathematical programming knowledge. Therefore, the study of high school students' mathematical programming knowledge is studied. The process of understanding cognitive understanding is very important. The current research on mathematical understanding is mainly focused on the connotation, levels, characteristics, functions, and investigation and research of mathematical understanding, and there are few studies on cognitive understanding of mathematics, especially the research on the process of understanding procedural knowledge. On the basis of this, combined with the current high school students' learning of mathematical programming knowledge, this paper deeply studies the cognitive process of cognitive understanding and understanding of high school students' mathematical programming knowledge, and puts forward the corresponding teaching requirements and teaching suggestions on the basis of the study. This paper mainly adopts the methods of literature analysis, interview and oral report method. The following order is: first, reading a large number of literature related to mathematical understanding, summarizing the existing research on mathematical understanding at home and abroad; second, reading a large number of documents related to procedural knowledge and cognitive understanding of mathematics, and making relevant theoretical analysis; third, formulating an outline of teacher interview, and preliminarily determining the number of high school students through interviews. Learn the factors of cognitive understanding of procedural knowledge; fourth, make an outline of student interview, and finally determine the factors that affect the cognitive understanding of the mathematical procedural knowledge of high school students through the preliminary interview to the students; fifth, interview the students to determine the key factors that affect the cognitive understanding of the mathematical procedural knowledge of the high school students; sixth, to the students. In the interview, on the basis of the key factors affecting the cognitive understanding of high school students' mathematical programming knowledge, the process, characteristics and models of the cognitive understanding of high school students' mathematical programming knowledge are summed up. Seventh, according to the results and conclusions above, the corresponding teaching requirements and teaching suggestions are put forward. There are six main factors affecting the cognitive understanding of the high school students' mathematical programming knowledge, which are the links between the old and the new knowledge, the related history of the mathematical programming knowledge, the related proof of the mathematical programming knowledge, the application of the mathematical programming knowledge, the related application of the mathematical procedural knowledge and the mathematical procedural knowledge, and the influence of the two. The most important factor in cognitive understanding of high school students' mathematical programming knowledge is the connection between old and new knowledge. Three, the process of cognitive understanding of mathematical procedural knowledge of high school students has the characteristics of active initiative, continuity, sequence, sluggishness, inertia and rapidity; and four, the process of cognitive understanding of the mathematical procedural knowledge of high school students is mainly the cognition of students. As the students meet new mathematical programming knowledge, the students are actively searching for the related propositional networks in the cognitive structure after encountering new mathematical programming knowledge, and form a production form after a certain operation, and form a simple production system by screening the combination generation, if the students are satisfied with the simple production. In a system of birth, he will be in a state of false understanding. If he is not satisfied with the current state, he will continue to actively search the propositional network in the cognitive structure, and finally filter it into a complete production system to achieve the actual understanding. Finally, according to the results and conclusions of the above research, the teaching requirements are as follows: first, teachers should add Strong self knowledge reserves; two, according to specific mathematical programming knowledge to formulate specific teaching process; three, to understand the level of cognitive understanding of mathematical procedural knowledge of high school students, pay attention to the psychological mechanism of students; four, understand the teacher's dominant position and make the position of this position correct and effective; five, pay attention to the main position of the students; six, pay attention to the right The students' motivation of learning and the motivation of learning enthusiasm are: first, do not give the template to solve the problem, guide students to truly understand the mathematical programming knowledge; two, guide students to reflect, promote the understanding and acquisition of procedural knowledge; three, actively and students to make a timely evaluation of students' learning situation; four, make the appropriate work. The teaching situation and content of teaching; five, guide the students to strengthen the old and new knowledge connection, promote the systematization of students' knowledge; six, find the students' different understanding of the mathematical programming knowledge, to teach students in accordance with their aptitude and individualized teaching; seven, more relevant principles of teaching mathematical programming knowledge, related applications and related history, and so on. Knowledge; eight, use appropriate materials to promote students' conversion from false understanding to real understanding.


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