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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-26 00:19

  本文選題:高中思想政治 + 師生關(guān)系 ; 參考:《華中師范大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:After entering the new era of the 21st century, the reform of middle school education in our country has been accelerated, and the relationship between teachers and students has been paid more and more attention by the educational circles and even the whole society. In high school ideological and political classes, in teaching practice, the relationship between teachers and students is generally harmonious, good, but there are still conflicts, differences, more serious will evolve into confrontation phenomenon. Political course is a moral education course. Without good teacher-student relationship, education may lose its ideal, make students lack humanistic spirit, hinder students' all-round development, and can not play the moral function of ideological and political curriculum. Based on the above background and the demands of ideological and political curriculum education reform, this paper discusses the problems existing in the teacher-student relationship in the ideological and political curriculum education in senior high schools in China. This paper is mainly divided into the following parts. In the introduction part of this paper, the author mainly introduces the research background and the significance of selecting the topic, summarizes the relevant theories about teacher-student relationship and the relationship between teachers and students in senior high school ideological and political courses at home and abroad, as the theoretical basis of this paper, summarizes the shortcomings of the current research. The emphasis of this paper is clarified. In order to understand this subject, we must first analyze the main problems existing in the relationship between teachers and students in high school ideological and political courses. At present, the main problems existing in the teacher-student relationship in the course of ideological and political teaching in our country include the role orientation of teachers and students, the influence of the thinking mode of "subject-object duality", the orientation deviation, the opposition of thought, As a result, there are many frictions, unfavorable coordination and even contradictions between teachers and students. Teachers and students get along with each other with utilitarianism, focusing on teaching results and examination results, failing to play the role of moral education in political classes, etc. The urgency and necessity of changing the present situation are put forward. However, the reasons for the disharmony between teachers and students in the ideological and political course in senior high school are various, including the factors of teachers' quality, such as the limitation of knowledge accomplishment, the limitation of teaching idea and professional quality, the restriction of students' factors, such as the characteristics of psychological development. The educational environment factors, such as curriculum construction and academic evaluation system, are unreasonable, and there is no good auxiliary educational environment, such as family and society, etc. Based on the above phenomena and causes, the author puts forward the following strategies for constructing a good teacher-student relationship in politics class of senior high school students: firstly, the ideological basis of constructing a good teacher-student relationship is given, including the correct understanding of the spirit of the new curriculum standard, the transformation of teaching view and learning view, Secondly, teachers should further optimize teaching methods from the aspects of mental infection, creating a good atmosphere of Jia Xiu, enriching teaching contents, carrying out correct encouragement and criticism, strengthening emotional communication, etc. At the same time, it also shows that a good teacher-student relationship can not be separated from the environment of respecting teachers and attaching importance to education, and requires teachers to improve their own quality and perfect the incentive mechanism of teachers. Finally, this paper summarizes the research, explains the shortcomings of the study, and clarifies the direction of improvement in the future. In a word, it is urgent to change the teacher-student relationship of traditional ideological and political courses and to establish a new and harmonious teacher-student relationship, but at the same time, it is also a long process, which needs to exert various forces and form a joint force. It is hoped that this study can provide some useful thoughts and suggestions for the reform of the new curriculum standard and the construction of the teacher-student relationship in the political curriculum.


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