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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-25 22:59

  本文選題:初高中 + 文言文; 參考:《河北師范大學(xué)》2013年碩士論文

【摘要】:中華民族是一個(gè)有著數(shù)千年的文化積淀的民族,在我國古代有許多優(yōu)秀的文化作品蘊(yùn)涵著中華民族的精神,文言文就是記載和傳承這些優(yōu)秀文化的載體。所以文言文教學(xué)擔(dān)負(fù)著民族文化傳承的重任,,在中學(xué)語文教學(xué)中占有重要地位。但目前的初高中文言文教學(xué)存在著脫節(jié)和斷層,初中文言文簡單易懂,學(xué)生進(jìn)入高中后感到文言文陡然加深,很不適應(yīng),久而久之造成教師難教,學(xué)生厭學(xué)的局面。為了改變這種情況,初高中文言文在教學(xué)上應(yīng)該有一個(gè)銜接,讓學(xué)生平穩(wěn)過渡。以往的文言文教學(xué)研究和實(shí)踐,對(duì)初高中文言文教學(xué)銜接也進(jìn)行過很多有益的探索,但大多是對(duì)某一學(xué)段的文言文教學(xué)銜接問題進(jìn)行研究,全面關(guān)注初高中文言文教學(xué)銜接問題的研究很少。本文主要在前人研究的基礎(chǔ)上,著眼整個(gè)中學(xué)階段,把初高中文言文教學(xué)看成一個(gè)整體,對(duì)文言文的教學(xué)銜接進(jìn)行研究。文章主體分三章進(jìn)行論述。 第一章主要論述初高中文言文教學(xué)銜接的必要性。在這一章中分別從課程標(biāo)準(zhǔn)、中高考要求、教材的編排、教師的課堂教學(xué)方法、教學(xué)的效果五個(gè)方面來論述初中和高中文言文教學(xué)的現(xiàn)狀,發(fā)現(xiàn)其中的問題,表明初高中文言文教學(xué)銜接研究的必要性,并以文獻(xiàn)綜述的方式梳理了前人的研究情況。 第二章主要進(jìn)行初高中文言文教學(xué)銜接的可行性研究。主要運(yùn)用比較研究的方法從課程標(biāo)準(zhǔn)、中高考對(duì)文言文的要求、初高中的語文教材三個(gè)方面來分析,初高中的課程標(biāo)準(zhǔn)和中高考的要求為初高中文言文教學(xué)的銜接提供了依據(jù),初高中語文教材為教學(xué)銜接提供了材料,所以初高中文言文教學(xué)銜接是可行的。 第三章主要提出初高中文言文教學(xué)銜接的策略。這是文章的重點(diǎn)。在這一章中由六節(jié)內(nèi)容組成。首先要求語文教師具備銜接意識(shí),把初高中文言文教學(xué)看成一個(gè)整體,在教學(xué)中把學(xué)生作為學(xué)習(xí)的主體。接下來論述了初中階段和高中階段為實(shí)現(xiàn)文言文教學(xué)銜接采用的一些具體做法:在初中階段要安排語法的學(xué)習(xí),要在教學(xué)中加強(qiáng)對(duì)文章內(nèi)容理解的關(guān)注,在高中階段要注意加強(qiáng)對(duì)文言文基礎(chǔ)知識(shí)的積累,在初高中都要重視古代文化常識(shí)的積累,在初高中文言文教學(xué)中都要重視誦讀教學(xué)。 文章最后部分是結(jié)語,初高中文言文教學(xué)銜接的研究是一項(xiàng)宏大的工程,在研究的過程中還會(huì)有很多問題出現(xiàn),本部分就前文沒有談到的問題做簡單的補(bǔ)充,并期待更多的研究者參與到這項(xiàng)研究中來。
[Abstract]:The Chinese nation is a nation with thousands of years of cultural accumulation. In ancient China, there are many excellent cultural works containing the spirit of the Chinese nation. Classical Chinese is the carrier of recording and inheriting these excellent cultures. So the teaching of classical Chinese plays an important role in the teaching of Chinese in middle school. But at present, there is a disconnect and fault in the teaching of classical Chinese in junior high school. The classical Chinese in junior high school is simple and easy to understand. After entering high school, students feel that the classical Chinese is suddenly deepened and not adapted to it. As time goes by, it is difficult for teachers to teach and students are tired of learning. In order to change this situation, the middle and high school classical Chinese teaching should have a link, so that the smooth transition of students. In the past, the research and practice of classical Chinese teaching have also made a lot of useful explorations on the cohesion of classical Chinese teaching in middle and high schools, but most of them are concerned with the cohesion of classical Chinese teaching in a certain learning section. There are few researches on the cohesion of classical Chinese teaching in middle and high schools. On the basis of previous studies, this paper focuses on the whole middle school stage, regards the teaching of classical Chinese in middle and high schools as a whole, and studies the teaching cohesion of classical Chinese. The main body of the article is divided into three chapters. The first chapter mainly discusses the necessity of the middle and high school classical Chinese teaching cohesion. In this chapter, the author discusses the current situation of classical Chinese teaching in junior high school and senior high school from five aspects: curriculum standard, requirements of middle school entrance examination, arrangement of teaching materials, teaching methods of teachers and teaching effect. It shows the necessity of the research on the cohesion of classical Chinese teaching in middle and high schools, and combs the previous research situation by literature review. The second chapter mainly carries on the middle and high school classical Chinese teaching link feasibility research. This paper mainly uses the method of comparative study to analyze from three aspects: curriculum standard, the requirements of the middle school entrance examination for classical Chinese, and the Chinese teaching material of the middle and high school. The curriculum standard of the middle and high school and the requirements of the college entrance examination provide the basis for the link of the classical Chinese teaching in the middle and high school. Middle and high school Chinese teaching materials provide materials for teaching cohesion, so the middle and high school classical Chinese teaching cohesion is feasible. The third chapter mainly puts forward the strategy of the middle and high school classical Chinese teaching cohesion. This is the point of the article. This chapter consists of six sections. First of all, Chinese teachers are required to have a sense of cohesion, regard the teaching of classical Chinese as a whole, and take the students as the main body of learning in the teaching. Then it discusses some concrete ways to realize the cohesion of classical Chinese teaching in junior middle school and senior middle school: to arrange grammar learning in junior middle school and to pay more attention to the understanding of the content of the article in teaching. Attention should be paid to the accumulation of basic knowledge of classical Chinese in senior high school, to the accumulation of common sense of ancient culture in middle and high schools, and to the teaching of recitation in the teaching of classical Chinese in middle and high schools. The last part of the article is the conclusion. The research on the cohesion of classical Chinese teaching in middle and high schools is a great project, and there will be many problems in the course of the research. This part makes a simple supplement to the problems not mentioned in the preceding part. More researchers are expected to participate in the study.


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5 劉冬玲;初高中語文教學(xué)銜接探究[D];河北師范大學(xué);2006年




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