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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-25 15:07

  本文選題:農村初中 + 校園體育文化; 參考:《河南大學》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Campus sports culture is a kind of special culture subordinate to campus culture and sports culture. It is an indispensable way of life in campus culture. The sum of shared spiritual culture, material culture and institutional culture. The material and cultural construction of rural middle schools is not perfect, the facilities are not complete, the students are restricted to cultivate their interest and love of sports, the system culture is not perfect, and the management is not scientific, such as the heavy work of physical education teachers in the past; The lag of the development of spiritual culture and the lack of propaganda of sports culture will affect the students to form the correct understanding of physical education. The good and orderly development of campus sports culture is of great significance to the development of physical education in rural areas, and different contents play different roles in the development of students. The development of material culture can promote students to form good habit of physical exercise, improve their interest in sports, strengthen their physique and improve their health. The development of institutional culture can ensure that students' interests will not be damaged and there are rules and regulations to follow when participating in sports, and the orderly development of spiritual culture can promote students to form a correct understanding of sports. This study uses the methods of literature, investigation, observation, mathematical statistics, logic analysis and so on to investigate the present situation of the physical culture development in the rural junior middle school in Lankao County, and through reading the relevant academic papers and books. This paper analyzes and combs the achievements of the research, studies the basic facilities of the rural junior middle school campus in Lankao County, the allocation of physical education teachers, the structure of the age of the physical education teachers, and finds out the existing problems and analyzes the reasons. The corresponding countermeasures are put forward in order to promote the further development of the campus sports culture in the rural junior middle school in Lankao County, and further promote the further development of the physical fitness movement of the rural campus students. To improve the level of physical fitness of rural students and to establish a certain awareness of lifelong physical education. Lankao County Rural Junior Middle School in the process of carrying out the campus sports culture, mainly including the school sports venues are not perfect, is not conducive to teachers and students to engage in sports; Lankao County junior middle school physical education teachers are not reasonable, It is very difficult to ensure the teaching quality of physical education teachers, the physical education teachers in rural schools are also generally older, the level of professional skills can not keep up with the development of modern teaching level, which is not conducive to the good development of campus sports culture; The students' knowledge of sports culture is not propagandized enough, and the students' understanding of sports knowledge is not enough, which makes students lack interest in sports. The paper puts forward some suggestions on the problems in the process of investigation: in the course of the development of campus sports culture in rural middle schools, the basic material conditions outside the campus should first be configured and perfected, which means that students carry out various sports activities. The premise of developing sports culture; attracting professional and motivated PE teachers to school teaching through various ways and means; making use of reasonable and effective methods to do a good job of campus sports culture, popularization and propaganda of basic theoretical knowledge, So that students can have a better understanding of campus sports, cultivate and encourage their interest in sports, through the study of sports knowledge and skills to enhance students' physique, improve students' health, form a good life, study habits, Cultivate good psychological quality and positive attitude towards life, and finally form lifelong sports consciousness and habit.


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