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  本文選題:過程與方法 + 化學(xué)教學(xué) ; 參考:《杭州師范大學(xué)》2016年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Under the guidance of Schwab's theory of scientific inquiry, Bruner's theory of cognitive discovery and Dewey's theory of process, the paper uses the method of literature research and questionnaire survey. The action research method and other scientific methods have carried on the research to the implementation of the goal of "process and method". This paper mainly includes seven parts: the first part: on the basis of analyzing the research progress at home and abroad and the actualization status of the goal of "process and method", this paper puts forward the purpose, significance, method and concrete steps of this subject. Part two: learn Schwab's theory of scientific inquiry, Bruner's theory of cognitive discovery, Dewey's theory of process, try to understand the essence of their theory, and combine it with the goal of "process and method". It forms the ideological foundation of how to realize the goal of "process and method" in practice. The third part: combined with my own experience in practical teaching, the author makes and analyzes the understanding and implementation of the goal of "process and method" by some junior high school chemistry teachers in this city. The results show that most teachers have a good understanding of the goal of "process and method", but a few teachers still pay more attention to the memory of knowledge; Most teachers have a good understanding of the way to achieve the goal of "process and method" in theory, but there are a lot of shortcomings in the real realization, teachers are facing a lot of difficulties. Such as the lack of scientific literacy and inquiry ability, the inertia thinking of imparting teaching, the insufficient understanding of the goal of "process and method" and so on. The fourth part: combining the realization of the goal of "process and method" with the experience in classroom teaching, the author designs the case of chemistry teaching in junior high school, and implements it in the classroom. The fifth part: in order to check the realization of the goal of "process and method", the author made and analyzed the chemical literacy of the two classes after the end of the fall semester. The results show that: after one term of study, students have a certain degree of chemical literacy. Love chemistry experiment in emotional attitude, have the will to enter the laboratory voluntarily; have a certain degree of understanding of the core concept and chemical language of chemistry; know some of the chemical phenomena in life; in a given situation, Can make similar reasoning to chemists. But there are also some shortcomings. Lack of awareness and skills for active exploration; lack of clarity for microscopic and macro images; for chemistry in life is still in the memory stage, unable to be learned for practical use; and for more complex instruments and equipment can not be well analyzed. The sixth part: in order to examine the realization of the goal of "process and method", the experiment test and evaluation of the inquiry ability of 20 sample students in two classes after the end of the autumn semester were made and carried out. The results show that most students are able to operate the instrument correctly, but only about 1/3 students can point out why to do so. Only two students can independently design and carry out inquiry experiments. This shows that we need to strengthen the cultivation of students' inquiry ability. The seventh part: teaching reflection. Through this research and the actual teaching activities, it is found that there are some deficiencies in the realization of "process and method goal". In the future teaching, we should pay more attention to the development of chemistry, adapt to the changes of chemistry, seek more effective classroom teaching methods, pay attention to the cultivation of students' ability, and strive to improve students' scientific literacy.


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