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  本文選題:語(yǔ)文教學(xué) + 中職院校語(yǔ)文 ; 參考:《西北農(nóng)林科技大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Chinese learning is accompanied by lifelong, from babbling to white-haired, we can not do without Chinese as a tool of communication. The study of language and culture is the primary task of our language learning. As the accumulation of Chinese literacy, it is necessary to update and accumulate with the age and the change of the social times. This is not only to learn from the classroom, but also to practice in life. Chinese learning and life are inseparable. As a subject, Chinese has both the characteristics of humanism and instrumentality. It is also necessary to combine classroom teaching with students' living conditions in order to make the study of Chinese have vitality and vitality. It is also possible for students to realize "using what they have learned". However, the current situation of Chinese teaching in secondary vocational colleges is worrying. The author mainly expounds the problems in secondary vocational Chinese education from two aspects: students and teachers. In view of this situation, the author began to study the life of Chinese teaching. First of all, from the Chinese teaching of the connotation of the characteristics of life, and then combined with the characteristics of Chinese teaching and the author in secondary vocational schools of Chinese teaching cases, to do some exploration and research on the life of Chinese teaching. Life-to-life Chinese teaching is a teaching concept, which advocates the close combination of life and Chinese teaching. It is also a teaching method, a method of making full use of the resources of students to study Chinese. Chinese teaching fully respects students' subjectivity in order to stimulate students' vitality. At the same time, it also enriches the content of Chinese learning, and introduces rich and colorful life content into the study, so that students can learn to integrate various contents and methods, expand their knowledge and improve their Chinese literacy. Students' learning style has also been changed, from simple and monotonous book learning to changing and exciting life practical learning. This makes the language learning time and space greatly expanded, not subject to classroom time constraints, anytime and anywhere to carry out language learning. This kind of language learning is more effective and useful for the students who are about to follow the society. The Chinese course is the basic culture course in the secondary vocational school curriculum, and has the same important position as the specialized course. However, in the mind of most secondary vocational school students, they despise this basic culture course, and lack the initiative and enthusiasm to study this course. In view of this, the author starts with the characteristics of Chinese teaching from the aspects of humanism, openness, integration, taste, experience and autonomy. In the aspect of humanism, the emphasis is put on the respect for the individual life of students in Chinese teaching, and the open discussion is carried out from five aspects: humanistic environment, teaching objective, teaching content, teaching process and teaching evaluation. Integration is carried out from four aspects: teaching objective learning mode, curriculum resources and teaching means. In the actual teaching, try to use these theories to guide the teaching, and also use the actual teaching effect to verify whether these theories are operable, the answer is yes. However, no teaching idea can be applied to all teachers or students, and no method is omnipotent. Therefore, we will continue to improve this theory and improve this method in teaching in the future. To make it more suitable for students, but also to make Chinese teaching full of vitality, attract students, and ultimately improve students' Chinese literacy.


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