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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-23 12:29

  本文選題:文言文教學(xué) + 高考語文試題。 參考:《華中師范大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Classical Chinese is an important carrier of Chinese culture. Learning classical Chinese is of great significance to improving the students' language quality. However, due to the characteristics of the classical Chinese, the pressure of the college entrance examination and the influence of the utilitarian thought of the teachers. There are many problems in the teaching of classical Chinese. These problems need to be solved. This paper is divided into preface, text, and conclusion. The introduction of three parts. The introduction mainly deals with the importance of the study of classical Chinese, the proposition of the question, the significance of the study and the research method applied to it, which lays the foundation for the development of the text. The body part is divided into three chapters. The first chapter, through the analysis of the basis of the propositions of the reading of classical Chinese in the college entrance examination, the requirements of the teaching of classical Chinese are clarified and pointed out. What are the students' ability to develop in the teaching of classical Chinese. The second chapter analyzes and collate the characteristics of the reading of classical Chinese in the college entrance examination from 2009 to 2013. Through the analysis of the examination papers, we examine the scope of the examination of the classical Chinese and the trend of the development of the propositions of the classical Chinese, and put forward that the reading ability of the students in the entrance examination of the college entrance examination has been fully investigated and understood. Ability, analysis of comprehensive ability, evaluation and appreciation ability, which requires teachers to pay attention to the improvement of students' comprehensive quality in the practical teaching of classical Chinese and not only ask students to recite memory. In the third chapter, in view of the shortcomings of the current teaching of classical Chinese, the author puts forward the attitude of teaching to the teachers, the teaching content of classical Chinese and the teaching side. In the teaching process, teachers should correct their study and teaching attitude in the teaching process. In the teaching content, we should attach importance to the imparting of the common sense of classical Chinese, guide the students to learn how to solve the problems, and pay attention to the cultivation of students' emotional and attitude values; in the teaching formula, the explicit and recessive courses are combined, and the text will be written. By combining the modern teaching methods and techniques with modern teaching methods and techniques, the teaching efficiency of classical Chinese is improved through the implementation of the above strategies. The purpose of this paper is to find out the regularity and innovation point through the analysis and study of the 2009-2013 years' classical Chinese reading test questions, and put forward some practical and feasible points. Teaching strategies, with a view to providing reference for future classical Chinese teaching.


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