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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-23 13:41

  本文選題:課例研究 + 中學(xué)化學(xué)教師; 參考:《廣西師范大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Teachers are the direct bearers of educational practice and reform. With the deepening of the new chemistry curriculum reform, the new ideas of education, teachers, students and so on require teachers to constantly seek progress and development. Teachers become the key to the success or failure of a new round of curriculum reform. In recent years, more and more attention has been paid to the training of in-service teachers. The "trained" of teachers is not conducive to the formation and development of teachers' specialty. Teachers can give full play to their initiative and creativity and make greater progress in education and teaching. Case study is an effective model of teacher professional self-development in teacher training. It takes the "lesson example" of practical teaching as the research object to explore and solve the difficulties and problems encountered in education and teaching. Build a bridge in theory and practice. In order to understand the willingness and attitude of the participating teachers to develop their profession independently, to understand the difficulties encountered by the teachers in the course of the case study, and to understand the specific aspects in which teachers' professional self-development can be promoted after the experience of the case study, Or in which links the biggest gains, based on this, this paper selected the case study on the professional development of middle school chemistry teachers as a research topic. It is urgent and important for the individual development of middle school chemistry teachers to realize teachers' professional self-growth through case study. Researchers in a city in Guangxi in the special training of teachers and training together with teachers to carry out research activities. Based on the literature analysis, the author defines and clarifies the meaning of "lesson case study" and "teacher's professional independent development", and distinguishes it from the related concepts. In order to determine the operating mode of the case study. Through case study, the paper records, analyzes and interprets the case, and discusses the problems and difficulties often encountered in the course of practical case study. Through the methods of questionnaire and interview, we can find out the willingness and attitude of the teachers to develop their profession independently, and analyze in detail which aspects of the case study have promoted the teachers' growth. The study shows that the overall quality of the teachers has been improved after the case study. The case study activates the subconscious consciousness of teachers' professional self-development, corrects the teachers' attitude towards doing lesson case research, and improves the teachers' scientific research consciousness, scientific research ability, teaching concept, practice and reflection ability, cooperation consciousness, etc. They never realized that familiarity gradually recognized the process and method of case study and formed their own practical wisdom. Therefore, case study is a good way to promote teachers' professional development. In view of the problems often encountered in the course of carrying out the case study, the researcher put forward a superficial suggestion: 1) perfect the training system, carry out scientific management and make a detailed plan. In practice, we should promote the independent development of teachers' specialty and try our best to improve teachers' educational scientific research literacy. (4) on the basis of normal courses in schools, we should set up a subject case study room and develop in the process of teaching reflection.


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