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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-20 16:19

  本文選題:實(shí)踐活動(dòng) + 中學(xué)生物 ; 參考:《遼寧師范大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:In the fierce international competition situation, with the rapid progress of science and technology, the focus of each country in the new century gradually turned to cultivate and shape high-quality innovative talents. Whether each country can emerge and show its own strength among other competitors often depends on the quantity and quality of national innovative talents. Therefore, it is of great significance to cultivate innovative talents. Biology is a discipline with strong practicality, and the rapid development of biological science also needs a large number of innovative talents. The senior middle school stage is an important period of knowledge innovation and dissemination. Through the combination of school education and social practice, it is very important to cultivate students' innovation consciousness and ability. Our government attaches great importance to the cultivation of innovative talents, especially in the past ten years, has issued a series of documents to carry out educational reform, such as the "outline of the National Medium- and Long-Term Talent Development Program" proposed by the Ministry of Education during the Twelfth Five-Year Plan period (2010-2020). The outline emphasizes that the relevant departments should set up the concept of development with improving quality as the core, pay attention to the development of connotation, and encourage schools to set up their own characteristics and level. In order to cultivate and bring up a large number of outstanding talents, all over the country have responded, each school has carried out rich and colorful practical activities to encourage students, support students to participate in more practical activities. However, there are few studies to evaluate the effectiveness of biological practice on innovation ability. This paper first introduces the domestic and foreign progress on effectiveness evaluation, then defines the concepts of high school biology practice activity and high school students' biological innovation ability by using the literature method. Secondly, the paper combs the relationship between high school biology practice and high school students' biological innovation ability by questionnaire and interview, and establishes the effectiveness evaluation system of the influence of practice activities on innovation ability cultivation. The progress of practice activities in several schools in Dalian is investigated and evaluated. This paper also analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the current practice activities of senior high school students in the process of cultivating high school students' biological innovation ability. The study found that only from the perspective of large-scale practical activities, students participating in practice have greatly improved their creative thinking and ability, and students' communication ability and logical thinking ability have also been well exercised.) from the perspective of classroom practice activities of middle school students, The ability of students studying in practice to collect information, and the ability to sum up and sum up have greatly improved. In the classroom, students who study in traditional written form have a relatively solid grasp of basic knowledge. If we exercise other abilities slightly, we will greatly improve our ability. (4) the effectiveness evaluation system of the practical activities of senior high school biology, which is initially established in this study, can reflect the students' academic progress to a certain extent. To promote the improvement of students' innovative ability has a great role. Finally, according to the actual situation, we think deeply about how to improve the biological innovation ability of high school students in view of the existing problems. And put forward some effective countermeasures and suggestions: 1) actively create the atmosphere of high school students' biological innovation ability cultivation. 2) pay attention to cultivating high school students' creative thinking in biology classroom teaching. 3) pay attention to scale practical activities outside school. Fourth) strengthen and attach importance to the effectiveness of different biological practice activities. 5) pay attention to the sustainable research of innovative thinking and ability cultivation. This research has certain theoretical and practical significance to improve the influence of practical activities on the cultivation of innovation ability.


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