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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-20 14:55

  本文選題:接受美學(xué) + 文言文; 參考:《陜西師范大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Classical Chinese is the essence of the Chinese nation's history and culture for thousands of years, and it is also an important carrier for inheriting the national spirit and carrying forward the Chinese civilization. Middle school students learn classical Chinese to improve students' ability to appreciate writing, cultivate moral sentiment and even inherit Chinese civilization. But when we look at the teaching of classical Chinese in middle schools, the function of classical Chinese has not been well developed, but has become a big obstacle to students' Chinese learning. The main reason lies in the fact that the main body position of the student reader is not attached importance to in the teaching. The reception aesthetics theory introduced from the west in the 1980s puts forward the "reader-centered theory" and attaches importance to the reader's reading participation. And in the course of 30 years' development, it has gradually spread from literary criticism to educational field and directly participated in the reform of Chinese teaching practice in the new period. Reception aesthetics emphasizes "reader center", which is consistent with the view of "attaching importance to the subject status of students" advocated by the new curriculum. Under the guidance of the thought of "text center" for a long time, the process of reading teaching pursues the author's original meaning too much, neglects the reader's unique reading feeling, accepts the esthetics theory to attach importance to the reader, attaches importance to the dialogue between the reader and the text. The new curriculum reform also emphasizes strengthening the dialogue consciousness of teachers, text and students. Starting from the basic viewpoint of reception aesthetics and combining with the current problems in classical Chinese teaching, this paper probes into the practice of classical Chinese teaching reform under the guidance of reception aesthetics theory. The first chapter mainly discusses the origin of this paper and literature review. The second chapter introduces the main viewpoints of reception aesthetics, mainly discusses the visual field of expectation and the structure of summons, and introduces the directed expectation and innovation expectation in the part of expectation vision. It also discusses the necessity and possibility of applying reception aesthetics to classical Chinese teaching from the aspects of new curriculum reform and humanism. The third chapter presents the questionnaire results in the form of tables, summarizes the existing problems in the teaching of classical Chinese in middle schools, and analyzes the reasons from the perspective of reception aesthetics. It mainly shows in the bondage of traditional classical Chinese teaching concept, the singularity of reading materials in classical Chinese, the narrow expectation field of vision, the lack of interest in classical Chinese learning, the indoctrination of teacher teaching, the loss of subject position; The standardization of classical Chinese teaching content and too much emphasis on multiple interpretation and so on. The fourth chapter is the focus of the article, mainly on the basis of cause analysis, from the perspective of reception aesthetics, put forward solutions. The main points are as follows: renewing ideas, establishing democracy, dialogue, and self-interpretation of the text; expanding students' horizon of expectation by increasing the amount of reading in classical Chinese; and making good use of the students' life experience, they can make use of music. Through the role playing and using the students' existing life experience vision to integrate the text; from the image level and the detail level, excavates the text blank spot, stimulates the student subjectivity, launches the independent interpretation and the subject experience; starts from the "prejudice", Open out the argument and find the resonance and positive solution. At the same time, the author puts forward some problems in the teaching process from the perspective of reception aesthetics, that is, active reflection and prevention of excessive interpretation from the target of the text.


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