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  本文選題:大陸 + 臺灣; 參考:《河南大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Taiwan "the designated subject examination of university entrance examination (mathematics examination section) >" (referred to as "Taiwan examination") is similar to the function of the national unified examination mathematics of the mainland of the mainland ("the national college entrance examination" for short). Its Mathematics A and Mathematics B are respectively corresponding to the science of the mainland and the examination papers of the liberal arts, so this article chose the mainland college entrance examination in 2005-2014 and ten years. There are forty sets of test papers in liberal arts and Taiwan designated subjects and Mathematics B as the research object. From two aspects of horizontal and vertical, the similarities and differences of the examination form, the structure of examination papers and the proportion of knowledge modules are compared between the two sides of the cross straits college entrance examination, and the reasons for these similarities and differences are advanced from the cross-straits mathematics teaching materials and the curriculum standard (outline). The following conclusions are made: (1) there is little difference in the frame structure of the high school mathematics curriculum documents between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits. The different points lie in the continental < standard > and the preface, the Taiwan < outline > to set up the core competence, the time distribution and so on. In addition, the Taiwan < outline > is divided into the compulsory program > and the elective outline > in the standard > in the continental < standard >. The required courses and elective courses are described separately in the standard part of the content, while the requirements of the other parts are unanimous. (2) both the two places have taken a combination of compulsory and elective courses. In the choice of the required courses, the purposes and standards of the mainland and Taiwan are consistent. In the design of the elective content, Taiwan is divided into four categories: standard courses, basic courses, integrated courses and advanced courses. The elective courses in the mainland are only equivalent to the standard courses in Taiwan. Obviously, Taiwan is more diversified than the mainland. (3) the number of knowledge points contained in the Taiwan textbook is obviously more than that of the mainland textbooks. The teaching materials have different emphasis on the arrangement of knowledge content: the mainland textbooks attach great importance to the selection of traditional mathematical content, pay attention to the mathematics learning of the masses and focus on the explanation of basic mathematics; the textbooks of Taiwan pay more attention to the selection of modern mathematics content and the connection with the university education. The curriculum of the Taiwan outline > strong tune should pay attention to the connection with the university mathematics, and the mainland < The standard > does not involve the times, foresight and cohesion of the curriculum. (4) the test questions in Taiwan are more abundant and diverse than the mainland, including the multiple selection questions, and the same points are all single, fill and answer questions. Among them, the single election of Taiwan is the one type and the big land is four. The proportion of the objective questions in the mainland college entrance examination is maintained constant. There is great fluctuation in both the single and objective questions (single election + multi selection) in Taiwan, and there is no obvious rule to follow. (5) the mathematics science and science of the mainland college entrance examination, the examination papers of the liberal arts are all consistent in the type and quantity, and the line diagram is straight. The quantity of the test papers in Taiwan is more stable, but there is no obvious law. The volume of test papers on both sides of the Taiwan Straits The difference corresponds to the difference in the length of the exam: the Taiwan examinee should complete 11-13 questions in the time of 80min, full score 100; the mainland examinee should complete 22 questions in the time of 120min, the full score (6) of the exam time limit, only 53% of the time of the continental mathematics examination, so it is far lower in the knowledge capacity and knowledge coverage rate than in the mainland, This puts forward higher requirements for the "degree of convergence of knowledge" in Taiwan. (7) the importance of the mainland to the "function and derivative" module is higher than that of Taiwan. In addition, the mainland, regardless of the arts and Sciences, lays particular emphasis on the abstract study of the properties of the functions and figures, and in Taiwan, the rebirth application, especially the Mathematics B, only requires simple functions. Single application, not complicated abstract analysis. (8) the proportion of the Continental Science Department in the "triangle" part is not very high; the changes in the section of the liberal arts are characteristic. It is generally considered that the proportion of the section is two years as a group, showing the trend of "this trend." in Taiwan Mathematics A, the "triangle" part is not involved every year, but once there are related questions. The proportion of the Mathematics B is not required for the "triangle". (9) the science of science and technology in mainland China has maintained stability from 2008 to the present. No matter in Mathematics A or B, there is a high requirement for the probability analysis based on the permutation and combination. (10) the examination of "analytic geometry" in the science and liberal arts of the mainland is often two small questions, and the form of a big question is 22 and more. The fluctuation of the score of the Taiwan mathematics examination is very large; in Mathematics B, the "point break" vacancy is generally low for the analysis of "analytic geometry". 11) the number list is one of the most important questions in the mainland, whether science or liberal arts, which is one of the key questions of every year. Taiwan Mathematics A and B have a large blank. This is related to the examination scope of Taiwan. The number of series of knowledge is often examined in the test, and the test is seldom involved, and the test questions are concentrated on the series and limit. So, Taiwan is in the series. The focus of the field is different from that of the mainland. (12) the science and arts of Continental Science and arts have basically kept synchronizing on the examination of the "stereoscopic geometry" part. In the last ten years, the fluctuation of the specific gravity is not very large. In Taiwan Mathematics A, the fluctuation is large and there is no obvious law and mode; Mathematics B is not required for this part, and the relevant test questions have not appeared in the last seven years. On the basis of the above analysis, the following shallow suggestions are made: the content of high school mathematics textbooks in mainland China can be extended properly; continental compulsory courses and elective courses can be attached equal weight; the examination information model of Taiwan is used for reference; the mainland test questions can be strengthened in the embodiment of mathematical application; the Continental Science Department and the liberal arts can increase the distinction.


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