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發(fā)布時間:2018-03-20 12:24

  本文選題:工業(yè)涂料 切入點:價值營銷 出處:《吉林大學》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文

[Abstract]:After years of rapid development, the total output of coatings in China reached eighteen million nine hundred and ninety-seven thousand and eight hundred tons in 2016. China has become a large country in paint production and application. The market share of foreign-funded enterprises is about 45.4%, and the market for medium-to-high-grade products is almost monopolized by foreign enterprises, especially in the field of industrial coatings, which makes it difficult for domestic enterprises to compete in recent years. The world's paint giants are expanding everywhere in China, and domestic paint enterprises are being squeezed out. Industry giants have begun to emerge, and they have the right to define the direction of industry development and the threshold of competition. In addition, raw materials, logistics prices, Due to environmental pressure and other reasons, profit margins have been continuously compressed. Domestic paint companies have been struggling. M Company as a member of the domestic industrial paint industry, In the past five years, we have also been caught in a dilemma where the sales volume is difficult to break through. When the paint market is gradually maturing, the domestic large or superior enterprises are developing rapidly, they are trying to become bigger and stronger and strive to establish their own territory and market position. How to get out of their own characteristics, how to improve their competitiveness, how to solve their own problems, how to find out the way of development of enterprises, how to quickly break through the bottleneck, how to be complex and changeable in recent years, It is an urgent problem for M Company to survive and develop in the ruthless competitive industrial paint market. This paper analyzes the hot spot market of industrial coatings in detail, and finds out the market competition of each hot industrial paint industry. The prospect of each market is forecasted, and the market direction in which M company should focus on participation is found. From the perspective of value marketing, this paper discusses how to find out the problems of enterprises from the angle of improving customer value. The value driving factors of the industrial paint market are analyzed, and the value driving factors are adjusted according to the current situation of M Company. The human resource guarantee and quality assurance of marketing are also put forward in view of the present situation of the enterprises. This paper is divided into six parts. The first part describes the background of the paper, briefly introduces the plight of the company and the current situation, puts forward the research methods and ideas and the framework of the paper; the second chapter is through the study of relevant literature at home and abroad. This paper analyzes the current situation of marketing research, analyzes the relevant theories of customer value and value marketing, and illustrates the typical enterprise value marketing situation with examples. The third part is the market analysis of industrial coatings, and analyzes the types of industrial coatings. Technology development trend, industrial paint market capacity and current industrial paint market suppliers; 4th part is M company based on customer value marketing strategy optimization, analysis of the advantages of the company at this stage, The disadvantages and the problems of value marketing at the present stage; the analysis of customer value, creation and delivery of industrial lacquer market; part 5th is an analysis of the human resources and quality assurance to promote the value marketing. The conclusion and prospect of 6th parts of the thesis are introduced.


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