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發(fā)布時間:2018-03-20 00:20

  本文選題:基層公務員 切入點:勝任力評價指標 出處:《哈爾濱工業(yè)大學》2016年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文

[Abstract]:Competence is an individual latent and persistent behavioral trait that distinguishes high performance from poor performance. Since 21th century, Various modern human resource management theories, based on job analysis and competency factor analysis, have been widely spread in the Chinese business community and have been well practiced. At the same time, civil servants are another important group in Chinese society. Its traditional personnel management mode to the modern government human resources management transformation is still in the difficult exploration process, how to apply the modern human resources management theory and the practice to the civil servant troop management, This study is based on McLillan's 21 general competency dictionaries, and on the basis of investigation and interviews, it refers to the classical competency management results and Shanghai. Shenzhen and other advanced provinces and cities to work out the skills, awareness, knowledge, personality, physiology and other five dimensions of 26 civil servants general competency elements, Based on the analysis results of the questionnaire, according to contingency theory and comparative analysis theory, This paper puts forward the analysis method of the competency element module of the post of the grass-roots civil servant, and puts forward that in the current management process of the civil servant at the grass-roots level, for different job duties, working trends and emphases, the competency element module should be constructed in accordance with the actual situation of the post. According to the above research, combined with the actual management of the grass-roots civil servants in Shandong Province, this paper puts forward the competency promotion strategy of the grass-roots civil servants based on competency management, from the selection of grass-roots civil servants. From three angles of training development and performance incentive, this paper probes into the path of improving the competence of grass-roots civil servants. Among them, the selection of candidates includes recruitment based on competency analysis and appointment mechanism of matching people and posts. Education links include civil servant career planning and training course design based on competency analysis; This research applies modern human resource management theory, and combines the background of competency evaluation of civil servants at the grass-roots level, including the design of performance appraisal system based on competency analysis and the development of compensation system. Combining the theoretical achievements of modern human resource management with the practice of government work, this paper puts forward 26 common elements of competency of civil servants at the grass-roots level, designs the evaluation index system of civil servants at the grass-roots level and makes use of the evaluation software. Combined with the actual construction of grass-roots civil servants in Shandong Province, this paper puts forward the methods and ways to enhance the competence of grass-roots civil servants. Salary formulation and career management provide a useful reference.


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