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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-03-18 06:15

  本文選題:集團(tuán)并購(gòu) 切入點(diǎn):財(cái)務(wù)整合 出處:《石河子大學(xué)》2016年碩士論文 論文類(lèi)型:學(xué)位論文

[Abstract]:M & A is the activity of the enterprise to achieve its development strategic goal at a certain stage. It is the enterprise to expand the scale of production and optimize the industrial structure. The essence of enterprise merger and acquisition is to optimize the structure of resources through merger and reorganization, to improve the core competitiveness, and to occupy and utilize the advantage resources in the social scope. M & A is the inevitable result of the development of market economy. Combined with the present situation of M & A of domestic enterprises, the effect of M & A is not ideal. M & A activities of most enterprises do not achieve the purpose of M & A. Signing a merger agreement does not mean completing a merger and acquisition, on the contrary, it is only the beginning of the merger and acquisition work. The most important aspect of M & A activities is the post-merger integration, which involves the management system, organization, financial accounting, human resource allocation and other aspects of the merger and acquisition. M & A integration is an important means for enterprises to achieve the strategic goal of M & A, and the most important part of M & A integration work is the financial integration work after M & A. The result of financial integration directly reflects the effect of M & A integration. M & A enterprises should pay enough attention to financial integration. The purpose of financial integration is to realize the financial synergy between the two sides of M & A, reduce the financial risk after M & A, make full use of financial resources, and improve the ability of financial management. The present situation of M & A in domestic market is that the success rate of M & A is low, the reason of deep analysis is that the integration work after M & A is not in place. In particular, the merger and acquisition parties do not plan the financial integration work as a separate part of the integration. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the specific measures and matters needing attention for the development of domestic enterprises. This paper uses the method of theoretical guidance and case analysis to study the financial integration after M & A. firstly, the paper introduces the research background and significance of the financial integration after M & A. According to the literature of merger and acquisition integration at home and abroad, this paper introduces the research status quo of merger and acquisition integration, elaborates the theoretical basis of financial integration after merger and acquisition, provides theoretical support for the establishment of financial integration system, and analyzes the process of financial integration in detail. Model and concrete content, and evaluate the effect of financial integration, put forward the concrete measures of integration performance evaluation. Secondly, this paper takes the practice of Mengniu Group merger and acquisition of Junle Bao Company as the case study object. Detailed analysis of Mengniu M & A process, M & A motivation, M A mode and financial integration of the specific content, and use of financial indicators from profitability, solvency, operational capacity, development capacity, From the angle of internal operation ability, this paper measures the effect of financial integration, and analyzes the reasons according to the effect, and finally draws the enlightenment according to the problems in the enterprise merger and acquisition of our country. This article aims at according to the actual situation of enterprise merger and acquisition in our country. This paper studies the problem of financial integration after M & A and consummates the theory of financial integration so as to provide practical guidance and reference for the success of M & A in China.


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