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發(fā)布時間:2018-03-17 14:53

  本文選題:超齡農(nóng)民工 切入點:就業(yè) 出處:《南方人口》2015年06期  論文類型:期刊論文

[Abstract]:Under the background of our country's increasingly austere aging, it is undoubtedly of great theoretical and practical significance to study the old-age problem of overaged migrant workers, and also to find a way to solve the problem of rural old-age support. Through the data analysis of field survey, we know that overage migrant workers are mostly female, concentrated in 60-70 years old, most of them are educated at primary school level, family pension is still the first choice, they hope to provide for the aged in their hometown, and the concept of providing for the aged has changed. The level of self-pension is low, and there are great risks. At present, although there are practical problems that are difficult to solve in the family pension, However, it is still the main way for overage migrant workers to provide for the aged for quite a long time. Although it has become a trend for the community to provide for the aged and the development of the social endowment, the institutional mechanism has yet to be improved. The over-aged migrant workers participate in employment. Is a reasonable development and utilization of human resources.
【作者單位】: 南華工商學(xué)院;


相關(guān)期刊論文 前2條

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2 ;[J];;年期

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3 記者 韓景慧 通訊員 李廣秋;助推社會養(yǎng)老服務(wù)體系發(fā)展[N];團(tuán)結(jié)報;2014年

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7 記者 王玉琢;烏海市229名勞模領(lǐng)到榮譽津貼[N];內(nèi)蒙古日報(漢);2007年




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