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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-03-16 21:07

  本文選題:學(xué)徒制 切入點(diǎn):培訓(xùn)特點(diǎn) 出處:《中國(guó)出版》2017年17期  論文類(lèi)型:期刊論文

[Abstract]:"the General Office of the State Council transmits to the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security the views of the State-owned assets Supervision Commission of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security on strengthening the Construction of the contingent of skilled personnel in Enterprises" The spirit of the document, To further promote the training of workers and staff in enterprises, and to innovate the mode of training skilled personnel, The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security issued the Circular on the pilot work of the New Apprenticeship system in Enterprises and the work Program on the pilot of the New-type Apprenticeship system in Enterprises, and started the training of the New Apprenticeship system in the field of training skilled personnel. Pilot work. Some new apprenticeship pilot enterprises and schools, Take the training goal as the direction, combine the enterprise reality and the training characteristic to carry out


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9 湯百智,吳立勛;澳大利亞新學(xué)徒制的建立及實(shí)施[J];職教論壇;2004年34期

10 ;現(xiàn)代學(xué)徒制與農(nóng)民工培訓(xùn)[J];職教論壇;2013年25期

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2 本報(bào)赴瑞士特派記者 劉棟;學(xué)徒制教育傳承瑞士鐘表業(yè)精髓[N];人民日?qǐng)?bào);2014年





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