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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-03-16 21:06

  本文選題:汽車企業(yè) 切入點(diǎn):跨國(guó)并購(gòu) 出處:《海南大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

[Abstract]:Since 2008 the United States since the financial crisis, Chinese automobile enterprises to seize the auto industry downturn in the developed countries the opportunity to make great efforts to the new R & D and manufacturing, automobile production and sales for many years leading the world, China really entered the ranks of the country. However, the car car power is not equal to the car power, China car restrictions on the backward technology, brand influence the weak and the requirements of environmental protection standards and other factors has failed to open the market of developed country door, compared to the huge production and sales, export volume of China car is much smaller. In this case, cross-border mergers and acquisitions have become quickly grasp the core technology of the automobile field China automobile enterprises, enhance the brand image of the shortcut. With Chinese transnational automobile enterprises M & A is larger and larger, appear in the cross-border mergers and acquisitions in more and more problems, people tend to assets and human resources integration etc. Attention far more than the cultural integration, but because of cultural differences lead to differences in behavior and management mode will ultimately affect the effect of MampA. This paper is to study Chinese automobile enterprises in transnational merger cultural integration in this background. The article first makes a brief review of the research situation of the theory and the theory of cultural integration. Transnational mergers and acquisitions; after the introduction of the development of Chinese automobile enterprises, and in recent years Chinese automobile enterprises transnational mergers and acquisitions are presented; then the research methods of case of mergers and acquisitions SAIC Ssangyong and Geely acquisition of Volvo is analyzed; finally, based on the two cases of experience and lessons, to China automobile enterprises this paper puts forward some feasible suggestions of cultural integration in the future cross-border mergers and acquisitions.



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