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     2.分析探討非瓣膜性房顫(Non-Valvular Atrial Fibrillation, NVAF)患者卒中風(fēng)險分層和出血風(fēng)險分層特點及各分層中華法林的實際應(yīng)用情況,調(diào)查評價其用藥過程中抗凝強(qiáng)度監(jiān)測情況;
     2.對NVAF患者分別應(yīng)用CHADS2評分(Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Age≥75years, Diabetes mellitus, Stroke; CHADS2Score)及CHA2DS2-VASc評分(Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Age≥75years, Diabetes mellitus, Stroke,Vascular disease, Age65-74years, Sex category; CHA2DS2-VASc Score)進(jìn)行卒中風(fēng)險分層,比較CHADS2評分和CHA2DS2-VASc評分對卒中風(fēng)險評估的差異;應(yīng)用HAS-BLED評分(Hypertension, Abnormal Renal/Liver Function, Stroke, Bleeding History or Predisposition, Labile INR, Elderly, Drugs/Alcohol Concomitantly; HAS-BLED Score)進(jìn)行出血風(fēng)險評估;分析探討各分層抗凝藥物應(yīng)用情況。
     3.145例應(yīng)用華法林的NVAF患者中,有134例國際標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化比值(International Normalized Ratio, INR)資料完整,其中20.2%(27/134)INR處于2.0-3.0之間,36.6%(49/134)INR處于1.5-2.5之間。INR的平均值為1.69±0.84。
     4.單因素分析結(jié)果顯示,高齡(≥65歲)、合并冠心病(Coronary Artery Disease, CAD)、合并心衰、合并出血史、心內(nèi)科住院的NVAF患者的華法林用藥率與未合并相應(yīng)因素者相比有明顯差異。Logistic回歸分析結(jié)果顯示,高齡(≥65歲)、合并CAD和住院科室三項因素對NVAF患者華法林用藥決策影響較大。大于等于65歲的老年NVAF患者華法林用藥率明顯低于小于65歲的中青年NVAF患者(分別為12.1%和33.6%,,P<0.001)。合并CAD的NVAF患者中,應(yīng)用阿司匹林聯(lián)合氯吡格雷者占20.7%(91/440),華法林用藥率為12.3%(54/440),低于未合并CAD的NVAF患者(26.5%,91/344)(P<0.05)。心內(nèi)科住院NVAF患者華法林用藥率為(100/398),明顯高于其他科室住院NVAF患者的華法林用藥率(分別為25.1%和11.7%,P<0.001)。
Objective:(1)To study the clinical character and warfarin usage in patients with Atrial fibrillation(AF).(2) To evaluate the stroke and bleeding risk of non-valvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF) patients with current standard risk stratification models and to analysis the current status of anticoagulation therapy for NVAF patients.(3)To explore the possible factors that affect the decisions of warfarin treatment.
     Methods:A retrospective, observational study was carried out. Inpatients diagnosed with atrial fibrillation in Qilu hospital institution between2011.1and2012.12were included. Patients with NVAF were categoried by stroke risk (CHADS2Score and CHA2DS2-VASc Score) and bleeding risk (HAS-BLED Score). Standard statistical methods were uesd to analysis the antithrombotic treatment in different risk categories. The international normalized ratio (INR) was investigated among the NVAF patients who used warfarin. Logistic regression analysis were used to explore the possible factors influencing the treatment decisions.
     1. Of the968AF patients included in our study,184patients were dignosed with valvular atrial fibrillation, and784patients were dignosed with NVAF. According to CHADS2score,58.3%(457/784) of NVAF patients were defined as high risk (score>2),26.1%(205/784) as intermediate risk (score=1), and15.6%(122/784) as low risk(score=0). According to the CHA2DS2-VASc score,82.3%(645/784) of NVAF patients were defined as high risk (score≥2),11.7%(92/784) as intermediate risk (score=1), and6.0%(47/784) as low risk(score=0).
     2. Among968AF patients,26.5%(256/968) patient were prescribed with warfarin. 60.3%(111/184) of NVAF patients and18.5%(145/784) of valvular AF patients were treated with warfarin(p<0.001). According to CHADS2score,16.9%(77/457) of high-risk patients,16.1%(33/205) of intermediate-risk patients and28.7%(35/122) of low-risk patients were treated with warfarin. According to CHA2DS2-VASc score, the application warfarin in patients of high, intermediate, low risk were16.0%(103/645),22.8%(21/92),44.7%(21/47) respectively. For high stroke-risk patients who are recommended by Chinese experts' consensus to use warfarin, the medication rate was only16.9%(77/457). According to2012updated ESC Guidelines for the management of atrial fibrillation, only16.5%(117/710) of warfarin-recommended patients were treated with warfarin.
     3. Among145NVAF patients taking warfarin,134patients' INR were measured.20%of NVAF patients met the target INR levels(2.0-3.0) and37%(49/134)of NVAF patients' INR levels were within the range of1.5to2.5. Average INR value of134patients was1.69±0.84.
     4. Univariate analysis showed that age(≥65years), inpatients'department, heart failure, bleeding and coronary heart disease affect usage of warfarin. Logistic regression showed that age(≥65years), inpatient department, and coronary heart disease were more closely related to the usage of warfarin. Warfarin was given to33.6%of the young AF patients(<65years), while only12.1%of elderly patients (≥65years) used warfarin (p<0.001). Warfarin was given to25.1%of NVAF patients hospitalized in the cardiological department, while11.7%of NVAF patients hospitalized in other departments used warfarin (p<0.001). Among440NVAF patients with coronary artery disease (CAD),20.7%were treated with dual antiplatelet therapy(aspirin and clopidogrel);12.3%of patients were treated with warfarin. While the warfarin usage rate in NVAF patients without CAD was26.5%.
     1. Compared with the CHADS2score, the CHA2DS2-VASc score classifies less patients into low and mediate stroke risk, and more patients into high-risk category.
     2. According to the ESC Guidelines and Chinese experts' consensus, The rate of warfarin usage do not meet the requirements and the usage of warfarin was irrational.
     3. Among patients treated with warfarin, less than1/5meet the target INR levels(2.0-3.0), which indicates that anticoagulation intensity did not measure up to the standard.
     4. Warfarin usage rate in the elderly NVAF patients and NVAF patients with CAD is relatively low. Clinician should pay more attention to the rational usage of warfarin in elderly NVAF patients and NVAF patients with CAD.


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