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發(fā)布時間:2019-02-22 07:19
[Abstract]:Literary translation is a very important cross-cultural communicative activity in which the translator always plays a vital role. However, it is not until the "cultural turn" of the translation theory in the 1970s that the translator's subject position in translation activities has received due attention, and the translator's subjectivity study has gradually become a hot topic in translation studies. In the field of the study of translator's subjectivity, Chinese scholars mainly discuss the ways and characteristics of the translator's subjectivity, and the translation process is one of the dimensions. Concrete translation process is not only an important link in translation activities, but also the most prominent aspect of the translator's subjectivity. Furthermore, it is important to explore translation from the perspective of translation process to further understand the complexity of translation activities. It is helpful to grasp the essence of translation and to understand and deal with the difficult problems encountered in translation practice. George Steiner, a famous translation theorist, applied the theoretical concept of hermeneutics to the field of translation studies, put forward the famous operational theory of translation interpretation, and specified the translation process as "trust" and "invasion". The four steps of absorption and compensation have become the theoretical tools for the study of translator's subjectivity. The author of this paper will study the postmodernist novel "Snow White" translated by Yu Jianhua. Through the detailed elaboration of these four steps and the comparative analysis of the specific translation examples of Snow White in both Chinese and English, this paper explores how the translator Yu Jianhua performs in the process of translating such a postmodernist novel. The translator's subjectivity, In order to achieve the translation purpose, we can obtain a clear cognition of how the translator's subjectivity affects and acts on the whole process of translation activities, thus affirming the important role of the translator's subjectivity in the process of translation. Firstly, the author elaborates and combs the research results of the translator's subjectivity in translation circles at home and abroad after the "cultural turn", and introduces the implications of hermeneutics for translation studies. This paper focuses on the four steps of translation under the operational theory of George Steiner's hermeneutics. Then in the framework of "trust", "invasion", "absorption" and "compensation", this paper makes a microscopic comparison of the Chinese and English texts in Yu Jianhua's version Snow White. This paper analyzes and discusses the expression of translator's subjectivity in four steps and the factors that influence the translator's subjectivity. Finally, it is concluded that the translator plays a leading role in the practical process of translation, and the subjectivity in the four steps of translation is influenced by such factors as cultural consciousness, personal language competence, translation purpose and target readers. It has a direct and profound influence on the choice of translation strategies and the effect of translation.


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