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發(fā)布時間:2019-02-18 17:57
[Abstract]:"righteousness" is the basic ethical category of whether human society runs well or not. Qi is the category of quality, body and visibility of Chinese civilization. In contemporary China, the political space order of the bottom Traveller, known as "River and Lake", has emerged as a problem. Once there is a consciousness of returning to the roots of civilization to seek political resources and sort out the thread of thought, then, according to the Confucian classics, the ethics of "righteousness" is analyzed and generalized. And from the artistic reproduction of the Spring and Autumn Records to the three Kingdoms, the author sums up its specific narrative performance and visual representation, and finds out the social utility of the experience of club governance. It is helpful for us to deal with the practical problems of nomadic governance from the perspective of narrative ethics and visual aesthetics.
【作者單位】: 中國人民大學(xué)文學(xué)院;


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