

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-02-18 13:00
【摘要】:《玉樓夢(mèng)》是朝鮮李朝末期作家南永魯創(chuàng)作的漢文長(zhǎng)篇小說(shuō)。在韓國(guó)文學(xué)史上被稱(chēng)為“白眉之作”。這部小說(shuō)刻畫(huà)了大量人物,深刻反映了當(dāng)時(shí)的社會(huì)現(xiàn)實(shí)。而《紅樓夢(mèng)》是中國(guó)清代作家曹雪芹寫(xiě)的一部?jī)?yōu)秀長(zhǎng)篇小說(shuō)。書(shū)中刻畫(huà)的大量人物已經(jīng)成為中國(guó)文學(xué)史上的經(jīng)典形象,可以說(shuō)在某種程度上成為一種書(shū)寫(xiě)封建社會(huì)時(shí)代畫(huà)卷的扛鼎之作。綜觀兩部作品的研究現(xiàn)狀,對(duì)于兩部作品進(jìn)行比較性研究的論著仍舊稀少,因此,本文從人物刻畫(huà)的角度出發(fā),試圖通過(guò)典型人物形象塑造手法以及性格特征的比較性研究,以達(dá)到深入挖掘兩篇文本內(nèi)部所包藏巨大容量的目的。 本文共分為四個(gè)部分。第一章,緒論部分:從梳理兩部書(shū)的大體內(nèi)容入手,分析了作品的成書(shū)年代、主題思想、創(chuàng)作方法等方面,為下一步比較兩部作品中人物形象建立起一個(gè)基礎(chǔ)的坐標(biāo)系。 第二章,兩部作品中男主人公的對(duì)比。首先,分析了《紅樓夢(mèng)》中賈寶玉的人物形象,認(rèn)為他是封建制度的叛逆者和女性崇拜者,并在以下的章節(jié)中進(jìn)一步分析了他在封建制度叛逆者、女性崇拜者、作家曹雪芹的分身、充滿矛盾的人物等方面的具體表現(xiàn)。其次,分析了《玉樓夢(mèng)》中楊昌曲完美封建士大夫的形象,這一點(diǎn)是通過(guò)他胸懷大志拯救國(guó)家百姓于水火的事功思想和細(xì)心多情的人格魅力來(lái)體現(xiàn)的。最后,對(duì)賈寶玉和楊昌曲的異同進(jìn)行了比較分析。指出兩者尊重女性、身世離奇等方面的相同點(diǎn),以及對(duì)封建制度態(tài)度上的不同點(diǎn)。 第三章,兩部作品中女性主人公的對(duì)比。在這一章節(jié)中,論文將兩組女性人物形象進(jìn)行了對(duì)比。首先對(duì)《紅樓夢(mèng)》中的王熙鳳和《玉樓夢(mèng)》中的江南紅進(jìn)行了比較。通過(guò)分析比較,指出了兩者的共同點(diǎn)在于兩人都是封建社會(huì)的杰出女性,不同點(diǎn)在于對(duì)封建“一夫多妻”制的態(tài)度;其次,分析比較了兩部作品中的薛寶釵和碧城仙。指出雖然兩者都是封建社會(huì)的完美女性代表,但兩人的處世態(tài)度存在著一定差異。第四章,分析了兩部作品中的丫鬟形象。以《紅樓夢(mèng)》中的平兒和《玉樓夢(mèng)》中的春月為比較對(duì)象,簡(jiǎn)略分析了兩位作者在創(chuàng)作此類(lèi)形象時(shí),將之作為某些女性主人公形象的對(duì)照和補(bǔ)充,通過(guò)對(duì)她們的描寫(xiě),使女性主人公形象更加豐滿。同時(shí)指出了作者在創(chuàng)作此類(lèi)人物形象時(shí)運(yùn)用手法的差異。 第五章,結(jié)論。通過(guò)對(duì)兩部?jī)?yōu)秀作品中人物形象的比較,可以看出作者所處的時(shí)代背景對(duì)于兩部書(shū)的創(chuàng)作手法和主題思想產(chǎn)生的影響。兩位作者雖然同為封建社會(huì)的知識(shí)分子,但因出身、社會(huì)地位等方面的不同,在人物形象塑造上存在著一定的差異。盡管如此,兩部作品在本國(guó)文學(xué)史上地位都是無(wú)可替代的。
[Abstract]:Yulou Dream is a novel in Chinese written by Nan Yonglu, a late Korean writer in Li Dynasty. In the history of Korean literature, it is called "Bai Mei's work". The novel depicts a large number of characters and reflects the social reality of the time. And A Dream of Red Mansions is an excellent novel written by Cao Xueqin, a Chinese writer in Qing Dynasty. A large number of characters in the book have become the classic images in the history of Chinese literature, and to some extent, they have become a masterpiece for writing the paintings of the feudal society. In view of the current research situation of the two works, the comparative research on the two works is still rare. Therefore, from the perspective of character portrayal, this paper attempts to make a comparative study of the typical characters' image creation techniques and personality characteristics. In order to achieve the purpose of excavating the huge capacity inside the two texts. This paper is divided into four parts. The first chapter is the introduction part: starting with the general contents of the two books, this paper analyzes the writing age, theme and creative methods of the two works, and establishes a basic coordinate system for the next step to compare the characters of the two works. The second chapter, the comparison between the protagonists in the two works. First of all, it analyzes the characters of Jia Baoyu in A Dream of Red Mansions, and considers him to be a rebel and a female admirer of the feudal system. In the following chapters, he further analyzes his renegade in the feudal system and the female admirer. Cao Xueqin, the writer of separation, full of contradictory characters and other aspects of the specific performance. Secondly, the author analyzes the image of the perfect feudal literati and bureaucrats in Yulou Dream, which is reflected by his idea of saving the nation from water and fire and his careful and affectionate personality charm. Finally, the similarities and differences between Jia Baoyu and Yang Changqu are compared and analyzed. It points out that they respect women, experience strange and other aspects of the similarities, as well as different attitudes towards the feudal system. The third chapter, the comparison of the female protagonists in the two works. In this chapter, two groups of female characters are compared. First of all, the author compares Wang Xifeng in A Dream of Red Mansions with Jiangnan Red in Yulou Dream. Through the analysis and comparison, the author points out that the two men are outstanding women in feudal society, and the difference lies in their attitudes towards the feudal "polygamy" system. Secondly, the author analyzes and compares Xue Baochai and Bicheng Xian in the two works. It is pointed out that although both are perfect female representatives of feudal society, there are some differences in their attitudes towards life. The fourth chapter analyzes the servant girl image in the two works. Taking Pinger in A Dream of Red Mansions and Spring Moon in A Dream of Yulou as comparative objects, this paper briefly analyzes that the two authors, when creating this kind of image, take it as the contrast and supplement of some images of female protagonists, and through the description of them, To make the female protagonist more full image. At the same time, the author points out the differences in the use of techniques in the creation of such characters. Chapter V, conclusion. By comparing the characters of the two excellent works, we can see the influence of the background of the author on the writing technique and the theme thought of the two books. Although the two writers are intellectuals of feudal society, there are some differences in the portrayal of characters because of the differences in origin and social status. Nevertheless, the two works are irreplaceable in the history of Chinese literature.


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1 吉紅梅;論韓國(guó)漢文小說(shuō)及其所受中國(guó)的影響[D];蘇州大學(xué);2008年





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