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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-02-15 18:48
[Abstract]:Through Boodia's "field view", this paper re-examines how Xia Yan participated in and organized the Shanghai left-wing literary and artistic movements, especially the film and drama movements, in the historical field, political field and the three-dimensional structure of the field of literature and art. With the activities of various literary and artistic groups and outstanding creative achievements, it forms the strategic aesthetic position of left wing literature and art, and even establishes the exclusive aesthetic space. Further questioning is how Xia Yan, under the guidance and discipline of the left-wing literature and art policy, under the demands of fighting literature and art and national discourse, finds a balance between political discourse and aesthetic consciousness, and uses the detailed political aesthetics of the style of Xia Yan. Take part in constructing the aesthetic tradition of left wing literature and art.
【作者單位】: 復(fù)旦大學(xué)中文系;


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