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發(fā)布時間:2019-01-23 15:23
[Abstract]:This article takes Derrida's animal thought as the research object, starting from the philosophical background of the thought, taking the core concept of Derrida's animal thought as the research focus, analyzes the deconstruction strategy contained therein. Then it explains the influence of Derrida's animal thought on the development of literary theory. This paper points out that Derrida's animal thought deeply reflects on the relationship between traditional human beings and animals, emphasizes the necessity of changing the speculative mode of animal philosophy, and reorientates the position of human beings in the ecological community. First of all, Derrida's animal thought has a certain philosophical foundation, he classifies the past philosophers' animal thought into two traditions: first, by emphasizing the difference between animals and human beings, represented by Plato, Aristotle, and Descartes. Highlight the subjectivity of human beings and propagate the ideological tendency of anthropocentrism; Second, Rousseau, Bentham, Nietzsche as the representative of the objective view of the relationship between human beings and animals, by affirming the inherent animality of human beings, questioning the ideological tendency of anthropocentrism. Secondly, Derrida puts forward and interprets the four key concepts of "animal so I am", "autobiographical animal", "boundary logic", "animal other", and reflects on the purpose and significance of human being's pursuit of self throughout history. The essence of western traditional philosophical discourse is the subjugation of animals under the cover of human rules. Thirdly, Derrida adopted the deconstruction strategy to disassemble the three basic propositions of animal naming, animal language and animal rights, and deconstructed anthropocentrism, phonological centrism and logos centralism. Derrida's animal thought is a profound reflection on human self-cognition, expands the theoretical space of ecological criticism, promotes the trend of thought in the ethical turn of literary research, and provides a new critical discourse and theoretical perspective for text interpretation.


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