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發(fā)布時間:2019-01-23 11:33
【摘要】: 《天路歷程》和《西游記》分別是英國和中國文學(xué)史上極為重要的具有濃厚宗教思想、宣揚(yáng)耶佛教義的作品。盡管產(chǎn)生于不同民族不同時期,但是兩者在主題、情節(jié)、宗教意義等方面有著無可置疑的相似性與互證互補(bǔ)性。 本文從比較文學(xué)主題學(xué)的角度出發(fā),對兩部小說進(jìn)行比較研究,重點(diǎn)分析它們在拯救思想、拯救方式、拯救經(jīng)歷、拯救結(jié)局和耶佛教義等方面的異同,力圖探求人類文化中的終極關(guān)懷以及對彼岸世界的索求認(rèn)知。作為反映與宣揚(yáng)宗教教義的文學(xué)作品,兩部小說思想內(nèi)容方面無處不在的相似性,極大程度地折射出生活于不同時域中的人類文化之間的類同性。這種相似性統(tǒng)攝之下的相異性又恰恰表現(xiàn)出世界兩大主要宗教教義的互證與互補(bǔ)性,在一定程度上為全球性的宗教與文化之間的對話提供了佐證與案例。 本文共分為三個部分,引言、正文和結(jié)論。引言分析了國內(nèi)外對兩部小說的研究狀況,并提出運(yùn)用比較文學(xué)主題學(xué)理論對它們進(jìn)行研究。正文部分共分為四章,分別從拯救的緣起、拯救的歷程、拯救的終點(diǎn)和拯救主題的互證互補(bǔ)方面作出分析,探討兩部小說所反映出來的基督教與佛教拯救理念的異同,研究人類不同文明之間進(jìn)行對話的可能性與必要性。結(jié)論部分總結(jié)前文觀點(diǎn)并進(jìn)一步提出不同文明應(yīng)當(dāng)求同存異,互相學(xué)習(xí),共創(chuàng)世界和諧。 本文采取了比較文學(xué)主題學(xué)的新視角,比較全面地研究了兩部中外文學(xué)史上具有代表意義的宗教作品,在對兩部作品的比較研究方面開拓了新的思維空間,并為兩部小說此后的進(jìn)一步研究提供了一定的參考價值。
[Abstract]:The course of Heaven and the Journey to the West are very important works in the history of English and Chinese literature which have strong religious thoughts and propagate the meaning of Yatiya Buddhism. Although they originated from different nationalities and different periods, there are indisputable similarities and mutual complementarities between them in terms of theme, plot, religious significance and so on. From the perspective of comparative literature, this paper makes a comparative study of the two novels, focusing on their similarities and differences in the ideas of salvation, the ways of salvation, the experience of salvation, the outcome of salvation and the meaning of Buddhism. Trying to explore the ultimate concern in human culture and the claim to the other world. As a literary work reflecting and propagating religious doctrines, the two novels have ubiquitous similarities in ideological content, which to a great extent reflect the homogeneity between human cultures living in different time domains. The heterogeneity under the control of similarity just shows the mutual proof and complementarity of the two major religions in the world, and to a certain extent provides evidence and examples for the dialogue between the global religions and cultures. This paper is divided into three parts: introduction, text and conclusion. The introduction analyzes the research status of the two novels at home and abroad, and puts forward to study them by using the thematic theory of comparative literature. The text is divided into four chapters, respectively, from the origin of salvation, the course of salvation, the end of salvation and the theme of salvation mutual complementary aspects to analyze the two novels reflected in the Christian and Buddhist ideas of salvation similarities and differences. To study the possibility and necessity of dialogue among civilizations. The conclusion part summarizes the previous views and further points out that different civilizations should seek common ground while reserving differences, learn from each other, and create a harmonious world. This paper adopts a new perspective of comparative literature subject science, studies two representative religious works in the history of Chinese and foreign literature, and opens up a new thinking space for the comparative study of the two works. It also provides some reference value for the further study of the two novels.


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