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發(fā)布時間:2019-01-17 15:25
【摘要】: 夏爾·波德萊爾法國象征主義文學的創(chuàng)始人,被譽為現(xiàn)代派的鼻祖。波德萊爾的審美現(xiàn)代性思想是在一個過渡的時代形成的,當時浪漫主義的“廟堂出現(xiàn)了裂縫”,古典主義有抬頭之勢,唯美主義已經(jīng)明確地提出了自己的口號,在這樣的文藝思潮影響下,波德萊爾形成了自己的審美現(xiàn)代性思想。其審美現(xiàn)代性思想具體表現(xiàn)在審美自律意識、審“丑”意識和時間意識三個方面。波德萊爾打破了自古希臘以來的真善美相統(tǒng)一,認為美與真、善是相分離的,詩歌有其自身目的。波德萊爾堅持“以惡為美”的審美觀點,堅持丑中有美,惡就是美。波德萊爾認為現(xiàn)代性是英雄的現(xiàn)時,現(xiàn)代被分割成無數(shù)個短暫的瞬時,在瞬時中成就永恒,從流行中提取永恒。圍繞著這三個方面,其審美現(xiàn)代性思想表現(xiàn)出三個特色:重藝術(shù)而輕自然,重視想象力,對審美“震驚”范疇的建構(gòu)。對于啟蒙現(xiàn)代性,波德萊爾并沒有一概地加以肯定,而是意識到了它給現(xiàn)代社會帶來的精神危機。與此同時,波德萊爾提出了對抗平庸現(xiàn)實的策略——“以惡為美”,以“震驚”的審美效應(yīng)來達到對現(xiàn)實的抗爭。
[Abstract]:Charles Baudelaire, the founder of French symbolism literature, is regarded as the originator of modernism. Baudelaire's thought of aesthetic modernity was formed in a transitional era. At that time, the Romantic "temple and hall appeared cracks", classicism had the tendency to rise, aestheticism had clearly put forward its own slogan. Under the influence of this trend of thought in literature and art, Baudelaire formed his own thought of aesthetic modernity. His thought of aesthetic modernity is embodied in three aspects: aesthetic self-discipline consciousness, ugly consciousness and time consciousness. Baudelaire broke the unity of truth, goodness and beauty since ancient Greece. Baudelaire adheres to the aesthetic view of "taking evil as beauty" and insists that there is beauty in ugliness, and that evil is beauty. Baudelaire believes that modernity is the present of heroes, and modernity is divided into countless transient moments, in which eternity is achieved, and eternity is extracted from popularity. Around these three aspects, his thought of aesthetic modernity shows three characteristics: attaching importance to art rather than nature, attaching importance to imagination, and constructing the category of aesthetic shock. Baudelaire did not affirm the enlightenment modernity, but realized the spiritual crisis it brought to modern society. At the same time, Baudelaire put forward the strategy of fighting against mediocre reality-"beauty by evil" and "shock" by aesthetic effect to achieve the struggle against reality.


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1 劉曲;本雅明現(xiàn)代性批判的矛盾性[D];遼寧大學;2011年





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