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發(fā)布時間:2018-12-31 18:00
【摘要】: 視覺藝術(shù)不僅注重表現(xiàn)形式,同時也注重形式載體下的精神內(nèi)涵。殘缺形態(tài)對于人的觸動,其結(jié)果不僅是視覺的,更多則是心靈的,這種心靈活動,是追求完美過程中的審美期待。一雙破舊鞋,一枚銹跡斑斑的古錢幣,風(fēng)化的長城、圓明園的廢墟……等等,在殘缺的表象下無不透露出生命的歷史痕跡。 視覺藝術(shù)領(lǐng)域,“殘缺造景”常常體現(xiàn)在雕塑、園林景觀、繪畫、現(xiàn)代設(shè)計等藝術(shù)作品中,通過對其研究,探尋視覺形式美的法則。 本論文分五章。 第一章介紹視覺藝術(shù)中殘缺的定義和概念,以及在生活中,藝術(shù)上殘缺現(xiàn)象及其審美價值體現(xiàn)。 第二章主要論述殘缺視覺藝術(shù)是一種審美期待。著重論述殘缺對美的襯托,是對圓滿的期待,在這中期待過程中,引發(fā)想象,余味無窮。 第三章是論文的重點(diǎn)。主要分析殘缺"造境",外在形狀下的精神內(nèi)涵。 分別從雕塑、園林景觀、繪畫等幾個方面,通過對具體藝術(shù)作品的剖析,去發(fā)現(xiàn)殘缺形態(tài)下的藝術(shù)空間和精神內(nèi)涵。 第四章主要進(jìn)行殘缺手法符號性解析,論述殘缺手法的運(yùn)用特征。 第五章主要論述殘缺歷史文物呈現(xiàn)的時間痕跡和生命之美。通過對圓明園、明長城、中國革命歷史文物等的分析,去發(fā)現(xiàn)殘缺文物的藝術(shù)美學(xué)價值。
[Abstract]:Visual art not only pays attention to the form of expression, but also pays attention to the spiritual connotation under the form carrier. The effect of incomplete form on human being is not only visual but also spiritual. This kind of mental activity is the aesthetic expectation in the pursuit of perfection. A pair of worn shoes, a rusty old coin, weathered the Great Wall, Old Summer Palace's ruins. Wait, under the incomplete appearance, all reveal the historical trace of life. In the field of visual art, "incomplete landscape" is often reflected in sculpture, landscape, painting, modern design and other works of art. This paper is divided into five chapters. The first chapter introduces the definition and concept of disability in visual art, as well as the phenomenon of incomplete art and its aesthetic value in life. The second chapter mainly discusses the incomplete visual art is a kind of aesthetic expectation. It is the expectation of perfection that the incomplete foils the beauty. In the process of expectation, the imagination is aroused and the aftertaste is endless. The third chapter is the focus of the thesis. Mainly analyzes the incomplete "creation", the spirit connotation under the external shape. Separately from the sculpture, landscape, painting and other aspects, through the analysis of specific works of art, to find the incomplete form of art space and spiritual connotation. The fourth chapter mainly analyzes the symbolic character of incomplete manipulation and discusses the characteristics of its application. The fifth chapter mainly discusses the time traces and the beauty of life of the incomplete historical relics. Through the analysis of Old Summer Palace, the Great Wall of Ming Dynasty and the historical relics of Chinese revolution, the artistic aesthetic value of incomplete cultural relics is discovered.


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1 丁龍海;當(dāng)代審美功用理論研究[D];西北師范大學(xué);2011年





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