
當(dāng)前位置:主頁 > 文藝論文 > 文藝評論論文 >


發(fā)布時間:2018-12-29 16:06
[Abstract]:Enter 21 st century, Chinese contemporary art also begins to enter art system all-round construction stage. In this context, the formation of art system and art creation subject has become an important research topic. The Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts Youth resident Artist Program, as the first young artist support program with the college as the main body in China, has established a small "circle" of art that can operate on its own within the college system. It is the living sample of the study of "the artistic system and the subject of artistic creation", so it is of great significance to study the "Young resident artists Group of Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts". Based on Bourdieu's concept of "field" and Howard's "art world", this paper takes field investigation, personal experience and tracking interview as the research methods, which are commonly used in art anthropology. This paper discusses the origin, construction and significance of the art field of Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts. Chapter 1 introduces the current situation of research at home and abroad, the second chapter discusses the origin of the field by combing the formulation and implementation of the plan of resident artists in Sichuan. The third chapter analyzes the composition of the group, the ecology of the group and the appearance of the creation of the young artists in Sichuan. The fourth chapter considers the meaning of field growth from three aspects: the meaning of young artists' generation, the experiment of art system construction, and the reflection of resident plan. In this way, the "origin, construction, meaning" of the art field is transformed into the "origin and implementation, group ecological composition and generating significance" of the resident plan. In order to achieve two research purposes: first, I hope this paper to "Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts Young resident artists" in-depth investigation of the data, can contribute to the relevant research in the future. Secondly, it is hoped that the discussion of "the art system and the creation of the subject" in this case can provide reference and reference for the overall construction of the present art system.


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