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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-12-24 13:45
【摘要】: 翻譯過程中,譯者扮演著重要的角色,他是連接原作者和讀者的橋梁。在幾千年的翻譯活動中,譯者的身份不是一成不變的。最初,他被認(rèn)為扮演的是“征服者”的角色:而后,其扮演的是“仆人”、“隱形人”等一些地位低下的角色。因?yàn)閭鹘y(tǒng)的翻譯理論以源語文本為中心,著重語言層面的研究,注重語言的對等、忠實(shí),認(rèn)為翻譯是機(jī)械的文字轉(zhuǎn)換,因此,譯者為了忠實(shí)地傳達(dá)作者的意圖,必須盡量避免自己的主觀因素。 實(shí)際上,翻譯是一個(gè)動態(tài)的、復(fù)雜的過程,涉及許多因素。在翻譯的過程中,譯者既是原文的讀者和闡釋者,又是目標(biāo)文本的作者,所以在翻譯的過程中,會不可避免地注入自己的主觀因素,其個(gè)性特點(diǎn)會在對原作的理解和表達(dá)過程中或多或少地表現(xiàn)出來。 自上世紀(jì)八十年代起,隨著文化轉(zhuǎn)向的出現(xiàn),翻譯領(lǐng)域不斷擴(kuò)展,新的翻譯理論不斷涌現(xiàn),人們對譯者在翻譯過程中的地位和作用以及譯者主體性的意義有了全新的認(rèn)識。 本文首先對中西譯論中對譯者地位及其主體性的研究做了簡明扼要的回顧,繼而,對簡·奧斯汀的《理智與情感》及其兩個(gè)譯本做了簡單介紹!独碇桥c情感》一書在中國很受歡迎,翻譯版本眾多,但因每個(gè)譯者不同的教育背景、社會背景、語言能力、審美觀等,譯本之間也各有差異。其中,孫致禮和王紀(jì)卿的版本比較流行,因此,本文采用這兩個(gè)譯本作比較研究。 本文根據(jù)譯者主體性的相關(guān)理論,探索了兩位譯者在語意表達(dá)、文化信息傳遞、文風(fēng)演繹和人物性格表述等方面的差異,并由此分析了其中的譯者主體性因素,最后對何謂譯者主體性,譯者主體性的表現(xiàn)等做了歸納和分析,同時(shí)指出了產(chǎn)生不同位譯者對待同一作品卻有不同的翻譯態(tài)度、翻譯策略等等的根源。文章還指出,翻譯不是機(jī)械的文字轉(zhuǎn)換,譯者不是翻譯機(jī)器,而是具有創(chuàng)造意識的主體。
[Abstract]:In the process of translation, the translator plays an important role and serves as a bridge between the original author and the reader. In thousands of years of translation activities, the identity of the translator is not fixed. At first, he was supposed to play the role of conqueror; later, he played some inferior roles, such as servant, invisible man, and so on. Because the traditional translation theory focuses on the source text, pays attention to the study of language level, pays attention to the equivalence of language and faithfulness, and believes that translation is mechanical text conversion, therefore, in order to faithfully convey the intention of the author. One must try to avoid one's own subjective factors. In fact, translation is a dynamic and complex process involving many factors. In the process of translation, the translator is not only the reader and interpreter of the original text, but also the author of the target text. Its personality characteristics will be more or less expressed in the process of understanding and expressing the original work. Since the eighties of last century, with the emergence of cultural turn, the field of translation has been expanding and new translation theories have been emerging. People have a new understanding of the position and role of the translator in the process of translation and the significance of the translator's subjectivity. This paper first makes a brief review of the study of the translator's status and subjectivity in the translation theory between China and the West, and then makes a brief review of the research on the translator's status and subjectivity. This paper gives a brief introduction to Jane Austen's "reason and emotion" and its two translations. The book "reason and emotion" is very popular in China and has many translated versions, but because of the different educational background, social background and language ability of each translator, There are also differences between the versions of aesthetics and so on. Among them, Sun Zhili and Wang Jiqing's versions are popular. Based on the relevant theories of the translator's subjectivity, this paper explores the differences between the two translators in terms of semantic expression, cultural information transmission, literary style deduction and character expression, and analyzes the translator's subjective factors. Finally, the author summarizes and analyzes what is the translator's subjectivity and the performance of the translator's subjectivity, and points out the root causes of the different translators' different translation attitudes and strategies towards the same work. It is also pointed out that translation is not a mechanical translation, and the translator is not a translation machine, but a creative subject.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前10條

1 孫致禮;讀奧斯丁的《理智與情感》[J];教學(xué)研究;1983年01期

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4 孫致禮!洛陽036信箱30號,河南洛陽471003;翻譯的異化與歸化[J];山東外語教學(xué);2001年01期

5 王玉j;論主體性的基本內(nèi)涵與特點(diǎn)[J];天府新論;1995年06期

6 楊武能;;闡釋、接受與再創(chuàng)造的循環(huán)——文學(xué)翻譯斷想[J];中國翻譯;1987年06期

7 孫致禮;中國的文學(xué)翻譯:從歸化趨向異化[J];中國翻譯;2002年01期

8 許鈞;“創(chuàng)造性叛逆”和翻譯主體性的確立[J];中國翻譯;2003年01期

9 查明建,田雨;論譯者主體性——從譯者文化地位的邊緣化談起[J];中國翻譯;2003年01期

10 楊武能;再談文學(xué)翻譯主體[J];中國翻譯;2003年03期

相關(guān)碩士學(xué)位論文 前2條

1 楊朝燕;從女性主義翻譯觀看譯者的主體性[D];華中師范大學(xué);2006年

2 裴帆;從《愛瑪》譯本比較看譯者主體性的體現(xiàn)[D];上海外國語大學(xué);2007年





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