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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-12-22 09:27
[Abstract]:The interview was originally introduced into people's vision as a kind of news style. But in recent decades, especially in the new century, has been widely used in the field of literary criticism. It has the stylistic temperament as an independent literary criticism style because of its large volume, wide scope and deep involvement. In this paper, the identity of the interview under the study. The introduction part briefly describes how the interview has entered the research field as a critical style, what degree has been studied in the field of dialogical criticism, and what kind of definition has been made in the media and literary criticism respectively; At the same time, it is briefly explained that it is the result of gradual change of style under the influence of news. The main body of the thesis is divided into three parts: the first chapter focuses on the development of interview criticism. Focusing on the prosperity of the texts of the 1980s and 1990s and the prosperity of various forms since the new century, the author tries to describe the tendency of interviews as the peak of literary criticism in recent decades. It also points out that all these are closely related to the tradition of literary theory, the impetus of the times and the inner appeal of literary criticism. The second chapter is the ontological analysis of the interview critical style. It is discussed from three aspects: stylistic type, stylistic characteristics and stylistic function. According to the different classification methods, this paper lists the results of text and hypertext, simple question and answer and discussion, information interview and theoretical study. According to the essence of literary style, the author concludes that "the combination of timeliness and effectiveness", "the simultaneous nature of criticism and acceptance", "seeking common ground while reserving differences", The conclusion of complementation and reconciliation "and" system-scattered "and" rigorous-interesting "compatible language style." On this basis, the author summarizes the stylistic functions of readers, critics and critics themselves. The third chapter elevates the field of vision to the value theory of interview critical style. In the aspect of social value, it affirms its strengthening effect on "publicity" in literature public domain. In terms of stylistic value, on the one hand, it is considered to be a "dual purpose" of news style and literary criticism, on the other hand, college criticism and media criticism "shake hands". In terms of academic value, the main concern is its unique value in oral history. The conclusion part restates the status of the interview as an independent literary criticism style, and expresses the concern about whether this kind of "independence" will be dispelled, and puts forward a rational outlook for its future development.


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