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發(fā)布時間:2018-04-15 01:10

  本文選題:《狼圖騰》 + 譯者主體性; 參考:《西華大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:There is no doubt that the translator is the main body of the whole translation activity, and its role will be reflected in the whole translation process.As the most active factor, translators need to exert their subjectivity in order to achieve better cultural communication.However, due to the influence of traditional translation theories, the translator's subjectivity has been neglected for a long time, resulting in the translator always in an awkward position.However, with the development of translation theory, the translator's subjectivity gradually attracts people's attention and develops to a certain extent.However, as a member of society, the translator's subjectivity is bound to be restricted by external factors such as social ideology, poetics and patronage.At the same time, the translator's subjectivity is restricted by internal factors such as translation purpose, personal experience and interest.Strengthening the study of the constraints on the translator's subjectivity will help to better understand these factors and then make the translator's subjectivity play a better effect.Based on this understanding, this paper studies the translator's subjectivity in English translation by taking the Wolf Totem as an example.It is found that the constraints of translator's subjectivity are related to external and internal factors.On the whole, however, the translation of Wolf Totem is a success because of the fact that he still plays a role in his own subjectivity. Therefore, his translation views and translation strategies are still worthy of study by relevant researchers.Its contribution to Chinese literary works and cultural communication is also worthy of recognition.


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