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發(fā)布時間:2018-04-14 13:12

  本文選題:復制 + 圖像 ; 參考:《大連工業(yè)大學》2010年碩士論文

【摘要】:從上個世紀末開始,,關于視覺文化的理論和發(fā)展的研究就備受國外相關學者和藝術家的關注,從傳統(tǒng)的繪畫雕塑等架上藝術到以網(wǎng)絡多媒體為代表的新媒體藝術,一代代視覺媒介及視覺產(chǎn)品所引發(fā)的視覺文化現(xiàn)象都成為了當下的一個熱門話題。然而對于視覺文化的關注不論是從事藝術創(chuàng)作的藝術家或是藝術理論研究的學者而言,視覺觀看都不僅僅是一個被動的接受過程,而更多的是主動發(fā)現(xiàn)的過程。 在傳統(tǒng)的文化藝術一直將口語詞看作智性活動的最高形式,而把視覺表象看做觀念闡釋的次等形式的觀念下,當代新的“圖像理論”卻開始向傳統(tǒng)的話語霸權(quán)提出挑戰(zhàn),在此我將以我嶄新視角和觀點結(jié)合多學科領域的知識內(nèi)容對當代視覺文化的現(xiàn)象進行加工論述。當代視覺文化的理論研究存在相當大的難度,它不是一個獨立單一的學科,而是包含了美學、社會學、藝術史、符號學、媒體研究等等多種學科于一體的整合性理論研究。隨著各種相關信息的采集量逐漸增大研究的逐步深入,幾個有代表性的問題激發(fā)了我的研究興趣成為了論文的突破口使得思維和文章的脈絡開始逐漸的清晰,在本論文中大體可以分為三大部分內(nèi)容主要對視覺文化的歷史、現(xiàn)狀、未來進行分析及研究,著重研究當代視覺文化發(fā)展狀態(tài)下對當代藝術發(fā)展的影響。 第一部分主要針對視覺文化發(fā)展歷程的歷史演變和基本理論進行簡略總體概述。將這些基本理論與歷史分析作為總體的思考的脈絡,為進一步深入分析當代視覺文化具體問題的提供必要理論依據(jù)。 第二部分主要針對視覺文化發(fā)展下當代藝術的存在形式(文章著重闡述的部分)進行分析。依次探討了當代視覺文化的三大主要特征------圖像時代、虛擬文化、符號社會。并結(jié)合國內(nèi)外若干典型案例分析了在這些特征下當代藝術發(fā)展的狀態(tài)。 第三部分主要針對視覺文化未來發(fā)展的預測與展望,藝術的發(fā)展進入了相對獨立的時期。藝術形式的多樣化發(fā)展、視覺觀看模式日趨開始向同質(zhì)化、單一化的方向發(fā)展、從人工符號到“自然”符號的轉(zhuǎn)變。
[Abstract]:Since the end of the last century, the research on the theory and development of visual culture has attracted the attention of foreign scholars and artists, from the traditional art of painting and sculpture to the new media art represented by network multimedia.The visual cultural phenomenon caused by visual media and visual products has become a hot topic.However, the attention of visual culture is not only a passive process of acceptance, but also a process of active discovery, whether it is an artist engaged in artistic creation or a scholar of art theory.In traditional culture and art, oral words are always regarded as the highest form of intellectual activity, while visual representation is regarded as the secondary form of conceptual interpretation. However, the new contemporary "image theory" has begun to challenge the traditional discourse hegemony.Here, I will discuss the phenomenon of contemporary visual culture with my new perspective and knowledge content in multi-disciplinary field.The theoretical study of contemporary visual culture is very difficult. It is not an independent and single subject, but a theoretical study of integration including aesthetics, sociology, art history, semiotics, media studies and so on.With the increasing collection of various related information and the gradual deepening of the research, several representative questions aroused my interest in research and became the breakthrough point of the paper, so that the thinking and the context of the article began to become clear gradually.This thesis can be divided into three parts: the history, the present situation and the future of the visual culture, focusing on the impact of the development of contemporary visual culture on the development of contemporary art.The first part is a brief overview of the historical evolution and basic theory of visual culture.These basic theories and historical analysis are taken as the overall thinking context to provide the necessary theoretical basis for further analysis of the specific problems of contemporary visual culture.The second part mainly analyzes the existing form of contemporary art under the development of visual culture.This paper discusses three main features of contemporary visual culture-image age, virtual culture and symbolic society.Combined with some typical cases at home and abroad, this paper analyzes the status of contemporary art development under these characteristics.The third part mainly aims at the vision culture future development forecast and the prospect, the artistic development has entered the relatively independent period.With the diversified development of art form, the visual viewing mode begins to develop towards homogeneity and singularity, from artificial symbol to "natural" symbol.


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