

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-14 05:05

  本文選題:弗萊 + 文學(xué)整體觀; 參考:《遼寧大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Northrop Frozen (1912-1991) was a great figure in contemporary literary criticism of Europe and the United States. Before his death, there were hundreds of articles and works to be commented on. After his death, academic circles began to study him one after another.By referring to these materials, the author finds that these articles mainly focus on archetypal criticism as a whole, or on the breakthrough in literary anthropology, or on cultural criticism, or on the interpretation of Biblical literature.However, there are few studies on literary integrity in Frye's critical theory.The paper will be divided into five parts to discuss.The first part is the traceability of theory, Vicko's New Science, Fraser's Golden Branch, Jung's theory of collective unconsciousness and Spengler's historical organic cycle, all of which embody the theory of integrity from different angles.The second part is to explain the overall thinking mode of Fry's literary thought, to analyze the concrete manifestation of the principle guidance of holistic criticism and the type of holistic criticism mode.It is called "dynamic cycle mode with two poles permeating" and prototype mode under phase view.The third part is the practical analysis of Frye's whole view of literature, including the whole image interpretation and the entirety of narrative formula.The fourth part focuses on the interpretation of the Bible from the perspective of Biblical macroscopical perspective, typology, U type narrative structure and Job.The fifth part is the evaluation of Fry's whole view of literature.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前5條

1 王寧;;諾斯羅普·弗萊新探:文學(xué)研究與文化研究的對(duì)話關(guān)系[J];外國(guó)文學(xué)研究;2013年05期

2 梁工;;圣經(jīng)文學(xué)研究在弗萊批評(píng)體系中的位置[J];外國(guó)文學(xué);2010年02期

3 何志鈞,馬建英;宏大的敘述——弗萊整體性文化批評(píng)觀的生成與向度[J];海南大學(xué)學(xué)報(bào)(人文社會(huì)科學(xué)版);2003年04期

4 易曉明;關(guān)懷神話:弗萊的意識(shí)形態(tài)理論[J];首都師范大學(xué)學(xué)報(bào)(社會(huì)科學(xué)版);2003年03期

5 陳萍;“只有批評(píng)之路敞開”——諾思洛普·弗萊的《批評(píng)之路》[J];國(guó)外文學(xué);2001年03期

相關(guān)博士學(xué)位論文 前1條

1 韓雷;神話批評(píng)論[D];浙江大學(xué);2006年

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1 趙玉平;弗萊文學(xué)整體性批評(píng)研究[D];蘇州大學(xué);2012年

2 楊偉;弗萊與圣經(jīng)文學(xué)研究[D];河南大學(xué);2002年




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