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發(fā)布時間:2018-04-14 02:24

  本文選題:富國強民 + 教育思想; 參考:《大學教育科學》2017年02期

[Abstract]:The cause of positive education is the right way of Jishianbang. No matter what historical stage it is in, it will always play an important role in the process of social development, and make outstanding contributions to the prosperity and strength of the country and the rejuvenation of the nation.In the light of education, people with lofty ideals can always absorb the most advanced scientific knowledge and social experience, and find a way to develop a rich country and strong people.Modern China was oppressed by foreign powers, and progressive intellectuals, after witnessing the dark stage of the endless war, determined to seek the way to save the nation by learning advanced knowledge from abroad.During this period, great breakthroughs were made in the development of modern art education, not only because of the emergence of many famous painters such as Qi Baishi and Xu Beihong during the period of the Republic of China.
【作者單位】: 重慶大學藝術(shù)學院;




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