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發(fā)布時間:2018-04-12 18:53

  本文選題:文本 + 作者 ; 參考:《社會科學戰(zhàn)線》2017年08期

[Abstract]:The meaning of the literary text originates from the text presence state which is composed of the author's creation, the reader's reading and the commentator's comment.According to the rules of writing and aesthetic essentials, the readers can read, appreciate and comment on the literary works, which can be read, appreciated and commented by the readers with their reading expectation, seeing before reading, reading habits and appreciating works.In the process of reading, the commentator explains more deeply the author, the works, the reader, the background of life, the cultural field, the state of consciousness, and rationally comments on the more general public social significance in the literary text.These three functions make literary works become literary texts and become the source of the meaning of literary texts.Under the background of "the dead author", "the theory center" and "compulsory interpretation", which is rampant in postmodern criticism, it is necessary to insist on the practical, historical and regular principles of Marxist literary view in order to re-discuss the topic of the origin of the meaning of the literary text.It is necessary to prevent the loss of the meaning of the literary text caused by the reader's extensive reading, and to prevent the strong discourse of Hegel's logic from obscuring the critics' comment freedom, so as to highlight the truth of the literary criticism.Public and universal validity, carry forward the characteristics of Chinese literature interpretation, so as to truly, truthfully and sincerely clarify and increase the cultural value and the significance of life of the literary text.
【作者單位】: 中國社會科學院研究生院;


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