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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-12 11:28

  本文選題:童話英譯 + 兒童文學(xué)翻譯 ; 參考:《遼寧大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:This paper chooses the fairy tale "the Legend of the Monkey" 1-5 as the translation original and my translation as the translation.The writer is Zheng Yuanji, the king of fairy tales in China.The fairy tale tells the story of robot monkeys sacrificing themselves for the sake of human Earth and its innocent children.There are a lot of distinctive northern dialects and idioms or four-character idioms in this fairy tale, but they are not difficult for readers to understand.In addition, the author also used a large number of rhetorical devices to make the article more vivid and energetic.In the aspect of sentences, although some long sentences appear in the article, they are still colloquial and suitable for children to read.The translator regards the strategies of domestication and alienation put forward in Lawrence Weinuti's book "Invisibility of the translator: on Translation History" and the strategies of children's literature in Chen Zidian's "the course of Children's Literature" as the general principles of translation of this report.Lawrence believes that the domestication strategy is more conducive to the reader's understanding of the translation and makes the translation smooth and smooth, while the alienation strategy can retain the exotic tone to reflect the language style and national culture of the source language.Chen Zidian believes that the language of children's literature should be readable and vivid.Based on the above translation principles, the translator combines the translation skills of Chinese and foreign scholars on how to deal with dialects, idioms and four-character idioms, rhetoric and long difficult sentences, by analyzing the features of the original language, rhetoric and sentences.The corresponding translation methods are analyzed and summarized.This practice report consists of three parts: introduction, text and conclusion.The first part is an introduction, which briefly introduces the strategies used by the translator in translating the fairy tale and the significance of translating the fairy tale.The second part is the text, which consists of three chapters: the first chapter is the task description.This paper briefly introduces the author, the main content, the characteristics of fairy tale translation and its significance.Chapter two is the description of translation process.After understanding the language characteristics of the passage, the translator does the preparatory work before translation and the problems encountered in the process of translation.The third chapter is case analysis.The translator will make a detailed analysis and summary of the problems encountered in the process of translation and put forward the corresponding translation strategies in the light of the existing translation strategies.The last part is the conclusion.In the process of translating the fairy tale "the Legend of the Monkey of the Machine", the translator has learned a lot of knowledge about the translation of the fairy tale, improved his translation level, and laid a certain foundation for the later work of translation.At the same time, the translator also hopes that the translation strategies provided in this report can be used for reference by other translators.


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