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發(fā)布時間:2018-04-09 11:17

  本文選題:愛情觀 切入點:婚姻觀 出處:《延邊大學》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:This translation is a famous contemporary Korean writer Yin Xigeng's Novel (?) (?), Chinese translated into a dance with me ". The book boldly overthrew the general concept of love and marriage, is an exploration of the meaning of love is really novel. The scene in the novel and perplexing false similar psychological changes but, the naked display of human reality. The book core is the theme of" love ", but Yin Xigeng, with common themes and different ways to deal with the challenges. Through the translation of this book, to grasp the description of the characters and the characters of potential heart activity, with South Korea the social, cultural and economic background, the love and marriage values a new South Korean society show. This translation practice report to translators" dance with me the last song > as the foundation, according to the The book translation process and the completion of the summary, analysis, summary. This report mainly consists of five parts, namely introduction, translation project, preparation before translation and translation translation analysis, case analysis and conclusion. This report will be the translation difficulties encountered in the process as the focus of analysis. The author in the book with a simple yet humorous language to express the profound meaning, seemingly as a love story, but in fact there is no lack of criticism and opposition to the society and popular ideas. How to accurately grasp the author's multiple themes also is a difficulty of translation in the translation process. In order to complete the translation practice report, the author searched the literature the data associated with a large number of books of translation theory, and with the same kind of parallel texts are analyzed. In the process of translation, how to translate the original language style is I always pay attention to the problem. The tutor and teachers under the guidance, through my efforts, mastered more translation methods, the translation activities have important effect on my future translation practice.



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1 王瓊;;英漢歌詞翻譯之我見[J];青春歲月;2013年06期

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1 涂少秋;《水之謎:各種水的線索與模式》(第五章節(jié)選)翻譯實踐報告[D];四川外國語大學;2017年

2 曹旭;關于《與我共舞最后一曲》的韓漢翻譯實踐報告[D];延邊大學;2017年





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