

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-08 08:44

  本文選題:歷史唯物主義敘事 切入點(diǎn):觀念的歷史敘述 出處:《社會(huì)科學(xué)輯刊》2017年05期

[Abstract]:On the historical narration of Chinese contemporary literary thought, there is either the tendency to deviate from historical materialism, or the problem of being rigid and unable to grasp the new social and cultural reality.Marx stressed that "the historical narration of ideas (cultural history, ideological history, etc.)" must be fully combined with "realistic historical narration (economic history, etc.)".As a "non-structural" problem, art production should be examined in the whole "structure" of political economy. The excessive differentiation of the subject and the independence of the subject are contrary to the spirit of the whole "structure".The relationship between literature and art as "superstructure" and "economic basis (material production)" is dual. The theory of "ideology" reveals only the "conceptual projection (reflection)" of social relations between the two.Marx's theory of "ideological stratum", which was ignored by the traditional research institute, also reveals the relationship of "the real circulation of surplus value" between them.To reconstruct the historical materialist narrative in the process of innovation, to reveal the development law of the history of contemporary literary and artistic thought, especially since 1949,The "diachronic structure", which consists of the first 30 years and the latter 30 years, begins to transform from the relationship between literature and art and politics as a single problem to the great transformation and significance of attaching importance to the relationship between literature and art and economy, etc., which has many revelations.
【作者單位】: 中國(guó)社會(huì)科學(xué)院文學(xué)研究所;


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1 李衛(wèi)國(guó);沖撞與嬗變[D];山東師范大學(xué);2001年





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