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發(fā)布時間:2018-04-03 09:43

  本文選題:創(chuàng)意經濟 切入點:符號消費 出處:《大連工業(yè)大學》2009年碩士論文

【摘要】:時代在發(fā)展,社會在進步,我們的生活方式在不知不覺中卻發(fā)生著巨大的改變。消費社會為我們帶來了購物街、高速公路、連鎖店等一系列服務于便捷生活的環(huán)境。而商業(yè)藝術在這些改變著的消費和生活環(huán)境中,也充當著重要的角色,繼而也出現(xiàn)了商業(yè)藝術新的特征。如果說常規(guī)的經濟是理性的經濟,那么藝術經濟就是人文經濟的范式。本文主要分析現(xiàn)代藝術與商業(yè)的關系,,從藝術與商業(yè)的相似性與差異性中尋找二者最佳的結合方式,二者在后現(xiàn)代的消費文化中受到的影響和面對的一些需要關注的要素。結合這些背景關系,來研究現(xiàn)代商業(yè)藝術在創(chuàng)意經濟的時代的現(xiàn)狀和發(fā)展。分析藝術商業(yè)化的產物,品牌、藝術產業(yè)、藝術市場。最后根據所探討的結果來推斷商業(yè)藝術的發(fā)展趨勢,即商業(yè)藝術的符號化,全息化。 全文共分五個部分: 第一部分分析傳統(tǒng)與現(xiàn)代背景下藝術與商業(yè)的關系,二者在市場經濟的影響下結合到一起,并成為創(chuàng)意產業(yè)的一部分。 第二部分在后現(xiàn)代社會的消費文化中藝術平面化,生活化,人們的消費觀念變的審美化、個性化,同時開始具備符號消費的特征。 第三部分影響商業(yè)藝術發(fā)展的因素有很多,但是在信息經濟、網絡時代今天有一些新的關系要素是與以往不同的,如消費人群的改變,新的消費方式的出現(xiàn),網絡化的虛擬生活,新媒體在生活中的應用,這些要素都對商業(yè)藝術的發(fā)展有很大的影響,本章節(jié)主要研究這幾項關鍵的要素。 第四部分主要是介紹商業(yè)藝術在創(chuàng)意經濟中的發(fā)展。如何打造品牌讓藝術服務于商業(yè),如何運用商業(yè)的運作方式來發(fā)展藝術市場,讓藝術家,藝術產品走向更廣闊的空間,探討藝術與商業(yè)間的互動。 第五部分介紹在符號消費時代,商業(yè)藝術也同樣面臨著符號化的問題。藝術家,藝術品都逐漸具備了符號特征,并且具備了符號特征的藝術就具備了商業(yè)化的可能。這樣的符號有著藝術符號與商業(yè)符號的雙重身份,一旦這些符號有了全息化的應用,那么它將帶來無限的價值。
[Abstract]:The times are developing, the society is progressing, but our way of life has changed dramatically before we know it.Consumer society brings us a series of convenient living environment, such as shopping streets, highways, chain stores and so on.In these changing consumption and living environment, commercial art also plays an important role, and then new features of commercial art appear.If conventional economy is rational economy, then art economy is the paradigm of humanistic economy.This paper mainly analyzes the relationship between modern art and commerce, looks for the best way of combining art and commerce from the similarity and difference of art and commerce, the influence they face in the post-modern consumption culture and some elements that need to be paid attention to.Combined with these background relations, to study the current situation and development of modern commercial art in the era of creative economy.Analyze the product of art commercialization, brand, art industry, art market.Finally, we infer the development trend of commercial art, that is, symbolization and holography of commercial art.The full text is divided into five parts:The first part analyzes the relationship between art and business under the background of tradition and modern. They are combined under the influence of market economy and become a part of creative industry.The second part of the post-modern consumption culture in the art plane, life, people's consumption concept changed aesthetic, personalized, at the same time began to have the characteristics of symbolic consumption.In the third part, there are many factors that affect the development of commercial art. However, in the information economy, in the network age, there are some new relational elements that are different from the past, such as the changes in the consumer population and the emergence of new consumption patterns.The virtual life of network, the application of new media in life, these factors have great influence on the development of commercial art, this chapter mainly studies these key elements.The fourth part mainly introduces the development of commercial art in creative economy.How to build the brand to make art serve the business, how to use the commercial operation to develop the art market, to make the artists and art products move to a broader space, and to explore the interaction between art and business.The fifth part introduces that in the age of symbol consumption, commercial art also faces the problem of symbolization.Artists and works of art have gradually possessed symbolic features, and the art with symbolic characteristics has the possibility of commercialization.Such symbols have the dual identity of artistic symbols and commercial symbols. Once these symbols are applied holographically, they will bring unlimited value.


相關期刊論文 前1條

1 邢立;;品牌與消費文化中的符號價值[J];商業(yè)時代;2007年15期




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