

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-03 09:35

  本文選題:文化專(zhuān)有項(xiàng) 切入點(diǎn):翻譯策略 出處:《南京航空航天大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Written in the middle of the 19th century, it is an autobiographical novel written by Shen in the Qing Dynasty. The author describes his personal life in a concise and vivid style, including marriage and love, family changes, leisure and leisure, travel notes of mountains and rivers, and so on.Show the author's unique attitude to life, values, temperament and aesthetic taste, the article is quiet and lovely.At present, there is little academic research on the translation of the six chapters of floating Life into English.The previous studies mainly include an overview of the status of English translation of the six chapters of the floating Life and a study of translation strategies.The research object is mainly Lin Yutang translation. For Bai Lun, Jiang Suhui's translation is relatively few, but the comparative analysis of Lin translation and Bai translation is even less.In addition, qualitative analysis is mostly used in the study of the cultural specific items in the six chapters of plankton.Within the framework of the theory of culture-specific items, this study selects 402 culture-specific items from the English-English translation of Lin Yutang, Bai Lun, Jiang Suhui and Jiang Suhui, and defines, classifies, aggregates and statistics them.By comparing and summarizing the overall tendency and differences of different translators when translating cultural exclusive items, the author explores the restrictive factors.Ten types of culture-specific items and ten translation methods were found, and the distribution of these culture-specific items and translation methods in the source language and the target language were statistically analyzed.It is found that the cultural exclusive items are mainly distributed in the names of people (24.910) and social projects (13.413.4%) and social projects. Both versions have a higher degree of alienation, while the degree of alienation of the white versions is higher (Lin: 63.2dick; Bai translation: 69.9%).The translator's choice of translation method is restricted by history, translator and other factors, the target language reader's expectation and the existing translation and the final translation will also influence the translator's choice to a certain extent.


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