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發(fā)布時間:2018-04-02 16:32

  本文選題:重譯 切入點:關(guān)聯(lián)理論 出處:《福州大學》2009年碩士論文

【摘要】:近年來,市面上出現(xiàn)了大量外國文學名著的重譯本,有的名著重譯本高達數(shù)十種版本。這些譯本質(zhì)量良莠不齊,引起了國內(nèi)學者的廣泛關(guān)注和討論。有人認為如此泛濫的重譯是沒有必要的,是對出版資源的一種浪費;但也有的學者認為,重譯對文學文本生命的延伸是必不可少的。盡管目前國內(nèi)對重譯這一現(xiàn)象的研究已出現(xiàn)譯本對比和理論分析兩種形式,但以重譯本為出發(fā)點的研究居多,而直接從重譯本質(zhì)和過程出發(fā)進行研究的則較為少見。 關(guān)聯(lián)理論是法國學者斯珀伯和英國學者威爾遜提出的涉及人類交際的認知理論。該理論的提出對許多領(lǐng)域都產(chǎn)生了極大的影響,而翻譯是受其影響最大的學科之一。關(guān)聯(lián)理論致力于從本質(zhì)上解釋人類的交際行為。而翻譯作為一種跨文化、跨語言的交際行為,,從關(guān)聯(lián)理論中得到了許多啟發(fā)。關(guān)聯(lián)理論中的重要概念如明示—推理交際、認知環(huán)境、語境、關(guān)聯(lián)原則等都能夠有力地解釋和說明翻譯的本質(zhì)及過程。鑒于重譯屬于翻譯研究的一個分支,關(guān)聯(lián)理論對于重譯現(xiàn)象也有著很強的解釋力。本文作者以關(guān)聯(lián)理論為理論框架,從重譯現(xiàn)象的本質(zhì)及存在原因出發(fā),通過大量閱讀相關(guān)文獻來收集文本資料,運用歸納法梳理出導致重譯現(xiàn)象發(fā)生的主要因素。 根據(jù)分析,作者認為,重譯現(xiàn)象的產(chǎn)生主要有下述三個誘因:第一,舊譯本中的誤譯現(xiàn)象引起重譯。而這些誤譯是由于譯者未能正確把握譯者與原文、譯者與譯文讀者之間的最佳關(guān)聯(lián)而產(chǎn)生的;第二,譯者本身和譯文讀者認知環(huán)境的歷史性引起了翻譯的歷史性,因而導致了重譯;第三,翻譯作為語際釋意交際的一種形式,是一個連續(xù)體。其層次性加上譯者的認知環(huán)境的多樣性、原文文本的開放性導致了重譯。 從關(guān)聯(lián)理論視角對重譯現(xiàn)象進行探討既具有理論意義也具有實踐意義。從理論上來說,這一研究從本質(zhì)上證實了重譯現(xiàn)象存在的合理性和必要性,為重譯研究提供了新的視角;從實踐上來說,對重譯的存在意義和理由入手,為重譯者提供了實施重譯的理論指導和實踐標準,從而有助于提高重譯本的翻譯質(zhì)量,使文學名著的生命力得以不斷延續(xù)。
[Abstract]:In recent years, there have been a large number of retranslations of foreign literary masterpieces, some of which focus on dozens of versions.The quality of these translations is uneven, which has aroused widespread concern and discussion among domestic scholars.Some people think that such overflowing retranslation is unnecessary and a waste of publishing resources, but some scholars believe that retranslation is essential to the extension of the life of literary texts.Although there are two forms of translation contrastive and theoretical analysis in domestic studies on retranslation, most of them are based on retranslation, while those directly from the essence and process of retranslation are seldom studied.Relevance theory is a cognitive theory concerning human communication put forward by French scholar Sperber and English scholar Wilson.The theory has had a great impact on many fields, and translation is one of the disciplines most affected by it.Relevance theory is devoted to explaining human communicative behavior in essence.Translation, as a cross-cultural, cross-lingual communicative behavior, has been inspired by relevance theory.The important concepts in relevance theory, such as ostensive-inferential communication, cognitive environment, context and relevance principle, can effectively explain and explain the nature and process of translation.Since retranslation is a branch of translation studies, relevance theory also has a strong explanatory power for retranslation phenomena.Based on relevance theory, the author starts from the essence and reasons of retranslation phenomenon, collects text data by reading a lot of relevant literature, and combs out the main factors that lead to retranslation phenomenon by inductive method.According to the analysis, the author thinks that the phenomenon of retranslation is mainly caused by the following three inducements: first, the phenomenon of mistranslation in the old versions leads to retranslation.These mistranslations are caused by the translator's failure to correctly grasp the best relationship between the translator and the original text, the translator and the target reader. Secondly, the historical cognitive environment of the translator and the target reader has caused the historical translation.This leads to retranslation; third, translation, as a form of interlingual interpretive communication, is a continuum.The openness of the original text leads to the retranslation due to its hierarchy and the diversity of the translator's cognitive environment.It is of both theoretical and practical significance to explore the phenomenon of retranslation from the perspective of relevance theory.Theoretically, this study proves the rationality and necessity of the existence of the retranslation phenomenon, and provides a new perspective for the retranslation study.It provides theoretical guidance and practical standards for translators to implement retranslation, and thus helps to improve the translation quality of the retranslation and make the vitality of literary masterpieces continue.


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