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發(fā)布時間:2018-04-02 14:32

  本文選題:網(wǎng)絡 切入點:日常生活審美化 出處:《山東師范大學》2009年碩士論文

【摘要】: 1隨著社會的不斷發(fā)展,美學作為一種特殊的意識形態(tài)也表現(xiàn)出一種與時俱進的姿態(tài)。人們在享受現(xiàn)代化生活的同時,也在給予文學藝術新的活力。于是,美學走向生活,生活不斷藝術化成為美學新的發(fā)展趨勢!叭粘I顚徝阑痹谏鐣蟓h(huán)境的影響下成為最熱門的美學話題。 關于“日常生活審美化”的討論,可以從很多角度去探討它對于文藝學、美學學科的意義;探討它形成、發(fā)展的語境等等。我從大眾媒介對美學的構建作用的角度思考,從而選取網(wǎng)絡來研究日常生活審美化在這一媒介影響下的表現(xiàn)。因為二者都是新時代的產(chǎn)物,新時代美學一方面繼承著以往優(yōu)秀的美學形態(tài),一方面為了更適應時代的要求,也在尋求新鮮的因素。而網(wǎng)絡的便捷、快速等特性給日常生活帶來了革命性的影響。網(wǎng)絡逐漸成為新時代審美的現(xiàn)實基礎:網(wǎng)絡以自身特有的技術力量和人文因素構建了新生活!叭粘I顚徝阑痹诰W(wǎng)絡媒介的影響下,日益張顯出與時代的融合性。 我的論文共分為四個部分。 第一部分:網(wǎng)絡媒介與日常生活。此部分內(nèi)容主要講述網(wǎng)絡作為對社會發(fā)展有革命性影響的媒介,越來越顯示出自身的魅力。網(wǎng)絡在社會生活中的現(xiàn)狀不僅表現(xiàn)在對生活每一個角落都有接觸,更重要的是網(wǎng)絡塑造了我們的生活,網(wǎng)絡創(chuàng)造了一種新的人類生存方式。網(wǎng)絡的人文性,哲學美學特點都能為塑造的新生活提供理性依據(jù)。 第二部分:日常生活審美化。這部分內(nèi)容主要闡述了日常生活審美化原因,表現(xiàn)特征,日常生活審美化現(xiàn)象帶來的影響。隨著消費主義和現(xiàn)代媒體的聯(lián)手,日常生活的審美化速度在日益加快!叭粘I顚徝阑苯o美學提供了新的發(fā)展領域,也為現(xiàn)實生活增添了美的要素。 第三部分:網(wǎng)絡作為日常生活審美化的載體。網(wǎng)絡的審美與技術構建了當代的日常生活。網(wǎng)絡以前所未有的力量拓展了日常生活的空間,豐富了日常生活的內(nèi)容。而且還創(chuàng)生出新的生活方式。這些都為日常生活的審美化提供平臺。在網(wǎng)絡時代,我們要利用網(wǎng)絡審美資源,塑造我們的生活,通過網(wǎng)絡這一中介追求審美生活的完整實現(xiàn)。 第四部分:網(wǎng)絡時代對日常生活審美化的展望。新事物的出現(xiàn)總要有磨合期。網(wǎng)絡與日常生活審美化的相互碰撞難免會有負面作用。但是對于這些負面影響,我們要正視它。不能因為有不利方面就去打擊新現(xiàn)象,而是要用寬容的心態(tài)去積極引導,讓日常生活審美化和網(wǎng)絡能夠良性互動,形成一種“以人為本”的審美文化。我們有理由相信,通過我們的努力,在網(wǎng)絡時代“審美化生存”不僅僅是夢想。
[Abstract]:With the development of society, aesthetics, as a special ideology, also shows a posture of keeping pace with the times.While enjoying modern life, people are also giving new vitality to literature and art.As a result, aesthetics goes to life, and life becomes a new trend of aesthetics.Under the influence of social environment, Aesthetics of Daily Life has become the most popular aesthetic topic.On the discussion of "Aesthetics of Daily Life", we can discuss its significance to the subject of literature and art, the context of its formation and development from many angles.From the point of view of the mass media's function on aesthetics, I choose the network to study the performance of the aesthetics of daily life under the influence of this medium.Because both of them are the product of the new era, the aesthetics of the new era inherits the excellent aesthetic form of the past on the one hand, on the other hand, in order to adapt to the requirements of the times, it is also looking for new factors.The convenience and speed of the network have revolutionized daily life.The network has gradually become the realistic foundation of aesthetic appreciation in the new era: the network has constructed a new life with its own unique technical force and humanistic factors.Under the influence of the network media, the aesthetic of daily life is more and more integrated with the times.My thesis is divided into four parts.The first part: network media and daily life.This part mainly describes the network as a revolutionary social development of the media, more and more show their charm.The current situation of the network in social life is not only in contact with every corner of life, more importantly, the network has shaped our life, the network has created a new way of human existence.The humanism of network and the characteristics of philosophy and aesthetics can provide rational basis for the new life.The second part: the aesthetic of daily life.This part mainly expounds the causes of daily life aesthetic, performance characteristics, the impact of daily life aesthetic phenomenon.With the combination of consumerism and modern media, the aesthetic speed of daily life is accelerating day by day.The Aesthetics of Daily Life provides a new field of development for aesthetics and adds the elements of beauty to real life.The third part: the network as the carrier of daily life aesthetic.The aesthetics and technology of the network have constructed the daily life of the present age.Network with unprecedented strength to expand the space of daily life, enriched the content of daily life.It also created a new way of life.All these provide a platform for the aesthetic of daily life.In the network age, we should use the network aesthetic resources, shape our life, and pursue the complete realization of aesthetic life through the network.The fourth part: the prospect of the aesthetic of daily life in the network age.There must always be a period of time for the emergence of new things.The collision between the network and daily life will inevitably have a negative effect.But for these negative effects, we should face it squarely.We should not crack down on the new phenomenon because of its disadvantages, but should actively guide it with a tolerant mentality, so that the aesthetic culture of "people-oriented" can be formed.We have reason to believe that, through our efforts, in the Internet age, "aestheticized existence" is not just a dream.


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1 郭捚;;網(wǎng)絡審美文化反思[J];安徽文學(下半月);2010年09期

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3 龐樂;微博客的審美學研究及其意義[D];西安電子科技大學;2012年





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