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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-10-15 15:05
【摘要】:攝影誕生的一百多年以來,作為一種全新的媒介,它越來越重要的參與著我們的生活,可以說,我們的生活就是在被影像的記錄與傳達(dá)中向前邁進(jìn)著?萍嫉牟粩噙M(jìn)步推動(dòng)著社會方方面面的發(fā)展,數(shù)字?jǐn)z影從上個(gè)世紀(jì)八十年代開始探索,到九十年代技術(shù)的突飛猛進(jìn),它的強(qiáng)大功能使銀鹽類感光材料加速退出了很多攝影的領(lǐng)域,在設(shè)計(jì)界,數(shù)字技術(shù)正越來越快的更新著,數(shù)字?jǐn)z影使影像應(yīng)用于平面設(shè)計(jì)的比重也越來越大。 在平面廣告設(shè)計(jì)中,圖像是最重要的構(gòu)成元素。并且,它在平面設(shè)計(jì)作品中起著越來越重要的作用。很多設(shè)計(jì)作品之所以優(yōu)秀是因?yàn)椴捎昧烁痈哔|(zhì)量圖像的緣故,數(shù)字?jǐn)z影技術(shù)是一種圖像數(shù)字化的保存、整合處理與傳輸、加工處理技術(shù)。電子技術(shù)正以迅猛的速度不斷完善進(jìn)取,在不久的未來,數(shù)字?jǐn)z影技術(shù)獲取影像將比傳統(tǒng)攝影技術(shù)獲得影像越來越優(yōu)秀,越來越便捷,越來越自由,對色彩的表現(xiàn)能力也越來越豐富、準(zhǔn)確,在設(shè)計(jì)領(lǐng)域中發(fā)揮的優(yōu)勢也越來越大。數(shù)字?jǐn)z影技術(shù)的誕生,使影像于人類的意義有了更加豐富的內(nèi)涵。數(shù)字?jǐn)z影的功能不僅停留于傳統(tǒng)攝影的反映真實(shí)性,而且可以用于二維空間圖像的重新構(gòu)建,它的成果為平面設(shè)計(jì)帶來了快捷、經(jīng)濟(jì)、和便于創(chuàng)意的平臺,作為設(shè)計(jì)師,數(shù)字?jǐn)z影的強(qiáng)大功能更是為創(chuàng)作插上了騰飛的羽翼。
[Abstract]:Since the birth of photography more than 100 years ago, as a new medium, it is more and more important to participate in our life. It can be said that our life is moving forward in the recording and transmission of images. The continuous progress of science and technology has promoted the development of all aspects of society. Digital photography began to explore in the 1980s, to the rapid development of technology in the 1990s. Its powerful function makes silver salt photosensitive materials withdraw from many fields of photography. In the field of design, digital technology is being updated more and more quickly, and digital photography makes the proportion of image applied in graphic design more and more. In the graphic advertising design, the image is the most important constituent element. Moreover, it plays a more and more important role in graphic design works. Many design works are excellent because of the use of higher quality images, digital photography is a digital image preservation, integrated processing and transmission, processing and processing technology. Electronic technology is constantly improving at a rapid pace. In the near future, digital photography will obtain images more and more excellent, more convenient and more free than traditional photography. Color performance ability is more and more rich, accurate, in the field of design play more and more advantages. With the birth of digital photography technology, the meaning of image in human beings has been enriched. The function of digital photography not only stays at the reflection authenticity of traditional photography, but also can be used in the reconstruction of two-dimensional spatial image. The powerful function of digital photography is to insert the wing of soaring for creation.


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2 潘云華;;數(shù)字化背景下廣告攝影傳播特點(diǎn)研究[J];浙江理工大學(xué)學(xué)報(bào);2008年03期

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