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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-10-15 18:51
【摘要】: 隨著我國(guó)市場(chǎng)經(jīng)濟(jì)體制的進(jìn)一步完善,醫(yī)療市場(chǎng)已經(jīng)悄然由賣方市場(chǎng)轉(zhuǎn)變向買方市場(chǎng)。由于供需關(guān)系的變化,患者從“求醫(yī)”變成“選醫(yī)”。醫(yī)院有必要深入研究消費(fèi)者需求及其行為模式,了解消費(fèi)者選擇購(gòu)買的具體情形和深層原因,才能滿足消費(fèi)者需求,進(jìn)一步發(fā)掘消費(fèi)者需求,達(dá)到動(dòng)態(tài)地滿足消費(fèi)者需求的目標(biāo)。 筆者研究了個(gè)體消費(fèi)者不考慮醫(yī)療保險(xiǎn)的情況下在醫(yī)療服務(wù)中選擇醫(yī)院的行為,研究消費(fèi)者選擇醫(yī)院的相關(guān)因素及選擇結(jié)果。并以此作為研究消費(fèi)者選擇決策購(gòu)買行為切入點(diǎn),來深入了解消費(fèi)者需求。 首先,在廣泛閱讀、深入總結(jié)國(guó)內(nèi)外相關(guān)文獻(xiàn)資料的基礎(chǔ)上,找出消費(fèi)者選擇醫(yī)院的相關(guān)因素。其次,運(yùn)用關(guān)鍵小組討論,找出選擇醫(yī)院的18個(gè)相關(guān)因素,設(shè)計(jì)調(diào)查問卷,進(jìn)行預(yù)調(diào)研。根據(jù)預(yù)調(diào)研結(jié)果及專家意見修改問卷,將影響選擇的因素分為五類:醫(yī)院的診療水平、醫(yī)院工作人員的態(tài)度、醫(yī)院的方便程度、醫(yī)療費(fèi)用的高低、自己對(duì)疾病的了解及對(duì)健康的關(guān)注度,并主要考慮五個(gè)維度對(duì)消費(fèi)者選擇醫(yī)院的影響。問卷中設(shè)計(jì)消費(fèi)者選擇醫(yī)院的多種結(jié)果,以及其他影響因素。采用便利抽樣方法在醫(yī)院、大學(xué)校園及學(xué)校附近的幾家公司發(fā)放調(diào)查問卷130份,收回問卷,收集醫(yī)療服務(wù)中消費(fèi)者選擇醫(yī)院相關(guān)影響因素的第一手資料。分析樣本,根據(jù)調(diào)查數(shù)據(jù)結(jié)果對(duì)問卷中五個(gè)主要因素進(jìn)行信度和效度分析,男女組的選擇因素T檢驗(yàn),對(duì)消費(fèi)者的選擇結(jié)果和五個(gè)因素間進(jìn)行相關(guān)分析,統(tǒng)計(jì)選擇結(jié)果。 根據(jù)數(shù)據(jù)分析結(jié)果得出,需求確認(rèn)中將近半數(shù)的消費(fèi)者選擇自己購(gòu)買藥品,而不是去醫(yī)院診治。對(duì)消費(fèi)者選擇醫(yī)院信息搜索影響最大的是他人的建議,好的口碑遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)勝過好的宣傳廣告。方案評(píng)估時(shí),消費(fèi)者對(duì)醫(yī)療服務(wù)水平要求最高,其次是診療水平,再次是就診醫(yī)院的方便程度。醫(yī)療服務(wù)購(gòu)買過程中,個(gè)體關(guān)注是否受到應(yīng)有的尊重、醫(yī)務(wù)人員的外貌和態(tài)度、醫(yī)院的衛(wèi)生等。購(gòu)后評(píng)估主要是用診療過程中感知的職能質(zhì)量來評(píng)價(jià)醫(yī)院的服務(wù)質(zhì)量。
[Abstract]:With the further improvement of China's market economy system, the medical market has quietly changed from the seller's market to the buyer's market. Because of the change of supply and demand, the patient changed from "seeking medical treatment" to "choosing a doctor". It is necessary for hospitals to deeply study consumer needs and their behavior patterns, to understand the specific circumstances and underlying reasons for consumers to choose to purchase, in order to meet consumer needs and further explore consumer needs. To achieve the goal of meeting the needs of consumers dynamically. The author studies the behavior of individual consumers in choosing hospitals in medical services without considering medical insurance, and studies the relevant factors and results of consumers' choice of hospitals. And as a starting point to study consumer choice and purchase behavior, to understand consumer needs in depth. First of all, on the basis of extensive reading and in-depth summary of relevant literature at home and abroad, we find out the relevant factors for consumers to choose hospitals. Secondly, using the key group discussion, find out the 18 related factors of selecting hospital, design the questionnaire and carry on the preliminary investigation. According to the results of pre-investigation and expert opinions, the factors that affect the selection are divided into five categories: the level of diagnosis and treatment of the hospital, the attitude of the hospital staff, the convenience of the hospital, the level of medical expenses, Their own understanding of the disease and attention to health, and the impact of five dimensions on the choice of hospitals. In the questionnaire, a variety of results and other influencing factors were designed for consumers to select hospitals. The convenience sampling method was used to distribute 130 questionnaires to several companies in hospitals, university campuses and nearby schools. The questionnaires were collected to collect first-hand information on the influencing factors of consumers' choice of hospitals in medical services. According to the data of the survey, the reliability and validity of the five main factors in the questionnaire, the T test of the selection factors of male and female groups, the correlation analysis of the consumer's selection results and the five factors were analyzed, and the results of the statistical selection were analyzed. According to data analysis, nearly half of consumers in demand confirmation chose to buy their own drugs rather than go to the hospital for treatment. The biggest influence on consumers' choice of hospital information search is the advice of others. Good word of mouth is far better than good advertising. In the evaluation of the scheme, consumers have the highest demand for medical service, followed by the level of diagnosis and treatment, and the convenience of the hospital. In the process of medical service purchase, individuals pay attention to whether or not they are respected, the appearance and attitude of medical staff, hospital hygiene and so on. Post-purchase evaluation is mainly to evaluate the service quality of the hospital by the perceived function quality in the diagnosis and treatment process.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前1條

1 唐姬;劉磊;李川;;北京市投資企業(yè)境外人員在京就醫(yī)滿意度分析[J];中國(guó)自然醫(yī)學(xué)雜志;2010年06期





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