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發(fā)布時間:2018-10-11 14:13
【摘要】: 影像修辭的研究范圍從靜態(tài)擴(kuò)展到了動態(tài),并以電視作為媒介,一方面,廣告使電視成為技術(shù)性藝術(shù),電視與電影技術(shù)構(gòu)成的不同造成了影像表現(xiàn)、受眾與影像之間審美關(guān)系還有接受心態(tài)的迥異;另一方面,電視打破平面廣告的靜止?fàn)顟B(tài)及構(gòu)圖局限,賦予廣告圖像逼真性和運(yùn)動性,同時,它也突破了廣播廣告的純聲音形象。為此,集圖像、聲音和文字為一體的電視,對所有營銷工具甚至包括網(wǎng)絡(luò)廣告進(jìn)行了整合傳播。電視廣告的傳播不再以宣傳服務(wù)、告知商品作為主要功能,而是通過鏡頭敘事為商品創(chuàng)造更多的附加值和深層的文化意義,其中,中國傳統(tǒng)美學(xué)也為中國電視廣告創(chuàng)造方向的選擇提供了基礎(chǔ)性的文化依存。電視廣告的敘事遵循著主體對客體(商品)“缺失→尋求→擁有”的內(nèi)在深層邏輯,同時,形式表現(xiàn)的千變?nèi)f化又與動像修辭緊密相聯(lián)。據(jù)此,筆者從國內(nèi)外經(jīng)典廣告作品中選出十種具有代表性的動像視聽修辭,并且結(jié)合電視、廣告、美學(xué)、敘事學(xué)、符號學(xué)、形式學(xué)、文化學(xué)、心理學(xué)的相關(guān)理論進(jìn)行評析,擬圖闡明電視廣告與動像視聽修辭的美學(xué)特征。
[Abstract]:The research scope of image rhetoric has been expanded from static to dynamic, and television is used as a medium. On the one hand, advertising makes television a technical art, and the difference between TV and film technology results in image performance. On the other hand, TV breaks the static state and the composition limitation of the plane advertisement, endows the advertisement image lifelike and the movement, at the same time, It also breaks through the pure sound image of broadcast advertising. To this end, video, sound and text as one of the television, all marketing tools and even online advertising integrated dissemination. The dissemination of television advertisements no longer takes propaganda services as the main function of informing goods, but creates more added value and deeper cultural significance for commodities through lens narration, among which, Chinese traditional aesthetics also provides the basic cultural interdependence for the choice of the direction of Chinese TV advertisement creation. The narration of TV advertisement follows the inner and deep logic of the subject "seeking for possession" to the object (commodity). At the same time, the variety of forms is closely related to the figure of speech of moving image. Based on this, the author selects ten representative audio-visual figures of action from the classical advertising works at home and abroad, and comments on the relevant theories of television, advertising, aesthetics, narratology, semiotics, formalism, culturology and psychology. The drawing illustrates the aesthetic features of TV advertising and audio-visual rhetoric.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前6條

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