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基于Stellaris Ware圖形庫的電梯轎內(nèi)控制器研制

發(fā)布時間:2018-10-11 18:07
【摘要】:近年來,隨著嵌入式技術(shù)的發(fā)展,電梯的控制技術(shù)也得到了飛速的發(fā)展,同時,隨著觸摸屏的出現(xiàn)及其技術(shù)的日益成熟,觸摸屏也漸漸普遍應(yīng)用于各行各業(yè),并且日益受到人們的青睞。傳統(tǒng)的電梯顯示器多為LED,顯示內(nèi)容單調(diào)、有限,而電梯轎廂內(nèi)樓宇廣告,顯示系統(tǒng)多采用獨立廣告機(jī),成本高。因此,利用觸摸屏和嵌入式技術(shù)設(shè)計和開發(fā)一套集顯示和觸摸式樓層選擇一體的電梯轎內(nèi)控制器,可以更好的提高電梯的品質(zhì)。 本文主要從硬件和軟件設(shè)計兩個方面研究基于StellarisWare圖形庫的電梯轎內(nèi)控制器。在硬件方面,以ARM7微處理器LPC2478為中心,,設(shè)計了平板式顯示單元、液晶觸摸電路、CAN通信接口,擴(kuò)展了TFT-LCD顯示功能、液晶觸摸功能及外部存儲器功能,構(gòu)建一個完整的嵌入式硬件平臺。軟件設(shè)計方面,首先在驅(qū)動平板顯示器的基礎(chǔ)上,移植了嵌入式圖像模塊StellarisWare,設(shè)計了人機(jī)交互及多媒體界面;其次是觸摸屏軟件設(shè)計,包括定位觸摸點位置,設(shè)置用戶輸入及驅(qū)動,響應(yīng)用戶事件,更新顯示界面等;最后,在通信方面,利用CAN實現(xiàn)電梯轎內(nèi)控制器與電梯其它控制器單元之間進(jìn)行實時、可靠地通信。 該控制器設(shè)計的觸摸式人機(jī)交互及多媒體界面簡單、方便、美觀大方,CAN通信可靠、穩(wěn)定,圖像顯示清晰、效果良好,適用于高檔電梯。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the development of embedded technology, elevator control technology has also been rapid development, at the same time, with the appearance of touch screen and the increasingly mature technology, touch screen has gradually been widely used in various industries. And increasingly favored by people. The traditional elevator display is mostly LED, display content monotonous, limited, and elevator car building advertising, the display system mostly uses independent advertising machine, the cost is high. Therefore, using touch screen and embedded technology to design and develop a set of display and touch floor selection of the elevator interior controller, can better improve the quality of the elevator. This paper mainly studies the elevator interior controller based on StellarisWare graphics library from two aspects of hardware and software design. In the aspect of hardware, a flat panel display unit, a LCD touch circuit and a CAN communication interface are designed with ARM7 microprocessor LPC2478 as the center. The functions of TFT-LCD display, LCD touch and external memory are extended. Build a complete embedded hardware platform. In software design, firstly, the embedded image module StellarisWare, is transplanted to design the human-computer interaction and multimedia interface on the basis of driving the flat panel display, and the second is the touch screen software design, including the location of the touch point. Set up user input and driver, respond to user events, update display interface, etc. Finally, in the aspect of communication, we use CAN to realize real-time and reliable communication between the controller in elevator sedan chair and other controller units of elevator. The touch-touch human-computer interaction and multimedia interface designed by the controller are simple, convenient, beautiful and generous, CAN communication is reliable, stable, the image display is clear, the effect is good, and it is suitable for high-grade elevators.


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