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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-05 08:12

  本文選題:命運(yùn)共同體 切入點(diǎn):愛(ài)國(guó)主義教育 出處:《東北師范大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:At present, with the further deepening of globalization, the frequent international exchanges, the profound influence of each other has become increasingly obvious.In view of this, the Chinese leaders have put forward the concept of "community of destiny" based on their profound understanding of the state of the world, the international development trend, and the latest thinking on contemporary international relations and global issues.This idea is a top-level design with foresight for China's foreign strategy.Patriotism is an inexhaustible source of power to inspire and agglomerate the development of the Chinese nation. It has a distinct character of the times and changes with the development of the times.On the one hand, the development of patriotism education in the community of destiny has opened up a new field of patriotism education and research, enriched and developed the connotation of traditional patriotism education, and put forward higher requirements to it.On the other hand, the contemporary patriotic education contains the requirements of internationalism, and the cultivation of international vision, international mind and world vision requires the educational concept of the times and advanced nature to guide them to avoid the upsurge of extreme nationalism.And then affect the country's long-term strategic deployment.Patriotism in the new era requires the people of all countries to pay attention to the future and destiny of their motherland, to link individual development with the destiny of their country, to pay attention to the whole world, to all mankind, and to place themselves in the destiny of mankind.Combine the development of the country with the future of the world.The main contents of this paper are as follows: the first chapter introduces the new concept of patriotism education, that is, the concept of destiny community, and comprehensively interprets the concept of destiny community from its background, basic connotation, development context, theoretical traceability and so on.The superiority and correctness of its theory are explained.The second chapter expounds the new understanding of patriotism education from the perspective of the Community of Destiny.The content of patriotism education should reflect the spirit of the times.Under the common vision of destiny, the education of patriotism has developed in three aspects: one dream and two dreams: Chinese Dream and "world dream"; the cultivation of "three consciousness": international consciousness, symbiosis consciousness, national consciousness, training rational patriotism,World Citizen with Chinese characteristics.Secondly, it discusses the inner relationship between the concept of destiny community and patriotism education.The third chapter reexamines the current situation and challenges of patriotism education in our country from the perspective of constructing the community of destiny from the perspective of patriotism education at home and abroad.The fourth chapter is about the promotion and development strategy of patriotism education in the view of destiny and destiny community, and constructs the theoretical strategy of patriotism education in the new horizon from four aspects: ideology, principle, content, way and way, including the whole of patriotism education.The open and symbiotic mode of thinking carries out patriotism education, grasps the principle of patriotism education under new requirements, increases or strengthens the content of patriotism education, adheres to the main position of patriotism education, and innovates the ways and means of patriotism education.


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