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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2014-09-10 19:56

【摘要】 二十世紀(jì)七十年代以來,外語教學(xué)的中心從如何教向如何學(xué)轉(zhuǎn)變。教育工作者們逐漸從研究教學(xué)方法向研究學(xué)習(xí)者的個(gè)性特點(diǎn)轉(zhuǎn)變。認(rèn)知風(fēng)格是學(xué)習(xí)者個(gè)性差異的一個(gè)重要因素,場獨(dú)立和場依存的認(rèn)知風(fēng)格尤其受到語言專家的關(guān)注。但大多研究對象是大學(xué)生,針對高中生的研究相對來說比較少。而高中階段是學(xué)習(xí)生涯的重要轉(zhuǎn)折點(diǎn),高中階段的英語學(xué)習(xí)也是至關(guān)重要的一個(gè)階段,基于以上特點(diǎn),本文把高中學(xué)生場獨(dú)立,場依存的認(rèn)知風(fēng)格作為研究對象。本文試圖研究場獨(dú)立和場依存的認(rèn)知風(fēng)格和高中生學(xué)習(xí)效能之間的關(guān)系。本研究通過驗(yàn)證性研究方法,總結(jié)學(xué)習(xí)風(fēng)格及認(rèn)知風(fēng)格的相關(guān)理論并選擇性列舉了國內(nèi)外認(rèn)知風(fēng)格的研究成果;利用國內(nèi)外廣泛應(yīng)用的研究工具--CSFT(CognitiveStyle Figure Test)認(rèn)知風(fēng)格圖形測驗(yàn),以及以Witkin提供的認(rèn)知風(fēng)格特征為基礎(chǔ)設(shè)計(jì)的問卷調(diào)查確定參加測試者的認(rèn)知風(fēng)格。本文選取河北省衡水市第十三中學(xué)高三的3個(gè)班共238名同學(xué)作為被試對象.對其發(fā)放鑲嵌圖形測驗(yàn)以及問卷調(diào)查并把兩者的結(jié)果綜合起來來確定學(xué)習(xí)者的場獨(dú)立場依存的認(rèn)知風(fēng)格.被測試者的英語成績是通過2013高考全國卷1并以月考的形式的取得。本文作者對考試成績對各題型(聽力,單選,完型,閱讀,改錯,寫作)以及總成績分別記錄,并利用數(shù)據(jù)分析軟件SPSS13.0進(jìn)行獨(dú)立樣本T檢驗(yàn)。本文試圖研究高中生場獨(dú)立,場依存認(rèn)知風(fēng)格的分布以及場獨(dú)立及場依存的認(rèn)知風(fēng)格與聽力,單選,完型,閱讀,改錯,寫作以及總成績之間的相關(guān)性.另一方面試圖根據(jù)研究結(jié)果提出對英語教學(xué)及學(xué)習(xí)的啟示及思考.為了達(dá)到研究目的,本文列出了被試者場獨(dú)立,場依存的分布?被試者場獨(dú)立,場依存維度與聽力的相關(guān)性如何?被試者場獨(dú)立,場依存維度與單選的相關(guān)性如何?被試者場獨(dú)立,場依存維度與完型的相關(guān)性如何?被試者場獨(dú)立,場依存維度與閱讀相關(guān)性如何?被試者場獨(dú)立,場依存維度與改錯的相關(guān)性如何?被試者場獨(dú)立,場依存維度與寫作的相關(guān)性如何?被試者場獨(dú)立,場依存維度與總成績的相關(guān)性如何?本研究結(jié)果可以歸納為:(1)在238個(gè)被測試者中,場獨(dú)立者有61人,場依存134人,場居中者28人,15人的問卷因種種原因作廢。場依存學(xué)習(xí)者明顯多于場獨(dú)立學(xué)習(xí)者,具有顯著性差異。(2)在聽力,改錯,寫作成績方面,場依存者的高于場獨(dú)立者,兩者差異具有顯著性;在單選,寫作成績場獨(dú)立學(xué)習(xí)者有優(yōu)勢,但兩者不存在顯著性差異。在完型,閱讀和總成績方面,場獨(dú)立學(xué)習(xí)者高于場依存者,兩者之間的差異有顯著性。最后,根據(jù)以上研究結(jié)果,提出了對當(dāng)前教學(xué)及英語學(xué)習(xí)的啟示,并提出了本研究的局限性,提供了今后研究的方向。
【關(guān)鍵詞】 認(rèn)知風(fēng)格; 場獨(dú)立; 場依存; 學(xué)習(xí)效能;

Chapter one Introduction

1.1 The Background of the Thesis
China has witnessed great changes in the development in economy, technologyand many other fields in social development. During the past decades, there are manyfactors such as the opening policy and reform that have contributed to the tremendouschanges. At the same time, Chinese people attach increasing importance to the veryuseful tool--English Language. It serves as a means of information getting intechnology and experience. Meanwhile, we can carry out various co-operations intechnology and economy with worldwide nations. So it is essential to popularizeEnglish further. Realizing this, Chinese people form the largest population to teachand learn English. So how to learn English successfully and efficiently is a challengethat researchers, educators and learners confront with.In China, English has been a compulsory subject and people get to learn it fromprimary school and even preschool children begin to learn it. Unfortunately, greatefforts as some learners made, the learning result may not satisfactory. Englishlanguage is regarded as “time-consuming and low efficiency engineering” (LiLanqing 1996).During the last decades, researchers and educators have been making continuouscontributions to the English educational reform to improve English language teachingand learning situation. Due to their efforts some gradual but significant shift emergedin foreign language teaching.English teaching has a history of more than one hundred years in China. Buttraditional language teaching mode always happens in the classrooms, where teachersact as the presenters and commanders and students as passive receivers. So the centersof teaching process are not learners but teachers. It is under the guidance ofbehaviorism psychology. This theory hypothesizes that learners’ learning is a processthat form habits with proper reinforcement by teachers. (Dai Weidong1998). In orderto complete teaching tasks, teachers emphasis unification rather than diversity.Learners can’t be given individual attention that is essential to their learningproficiency and individual development. Both teachers and students suffer from thenegative influence of the so-called “good method”. Students who can’t adjustthemselves to the teaching method may be classified as “slow learners” and feeldefeated. After a long period of time, they gradually lose their interest in Englishstudy and perform badly in examinations.

1.2 Significance of the Thesis
Cognitive style refers to the different styles adopted by individuals when they areacquiring and processing information, which is one of important aspects of individualdifferences that influence learners’ learning proficiency.Psychological field has been studying it for more than seventy years. In recenttwenty to thirty years, linguistics studied the correlations between learners’differences in cognitive styles and English language proficiency and made greatachievements. High school students are faced with much pressure from exams,especially some students who are poor at English study, and their learning worries usdeeply. How to help them enhance their interest in English and improve their learningefficiency is a problem concerned by teachers and language scholars. The studyachievements of cognitive styles and language learning give us much implication. Wecan study the correlations between learners’ differences and English languageproficiency from the perspective of individual cognitive styles.Since 1960s, the focus of second language acquisition research has transferredfrom teaching methods to learners’ characteristics and their influence on secondlanguage acquisition. 


Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Learning style
To obtain a detailed picture of cognitive style, it is of great significance topresent related concepts in the present study first. A very important concept will bepresented in the following. The idea of learning style comes from general psychology. As one of the keyfactors in learning process, it deserves much attention from its study came into beingin the 1970s. However, researchers carried out systematic study in the 1980s and itsstudy boomed in the 1990s. Because educators attach growing importance toindividual differences and it has been a popular research area.Learning style refers to characteristic ways that individuals tend to adopt insolving problems. In the process of learning new knowledge, some prefer to read theconcepts, some would like to listen to others read the materials to them and otherstend to watch the demonstration of the concepts. So different learners hold differentlearning styles and their learning styles may vary according to different learningmaterials. It is quite necessary and important for learners to have a betterunderstanding of their own learning styles.

2.2 Cognitive Styles
As we know, education has its basic aim, which is to cultivate students intoindependent, autonomous and effective learners. So to study learners’ learning processand their differences becomes increasingly necessary and important. Learning processis not merely cognitive psychology and it also deals with affective factors, especiallypersonality factors. Tro-van Els(1997:121) states, “Cognitive style factors andpersonality factors tend to operate in combination with language learning”. The term “cognitive style” was put forward by Allport in 1937. Since then,especially in the last few decades, research has been conducted in this field andobtained much experience. It is Witkin who is the first to make considerablecontribution to this area. He proposed the field cognitive styles, and throughexperimental study, he made successful study. From then on cognitive study hasbecome a hot, and in the 1980s to 1990s the study of cognitive style becamesystematic.It has widely accepted that people have various differences in abilities, capacities,the efficiency and their cognitive style that is, their habitual and preferred means ofapproaching cognitive tasks (Galotti, 1999). So from various perspectives, differentresearchers conduct many researches and make breakthroughs in their specific fieldsof which cognitive style is a major one. It is essential to have a clear conception ofcognitive style.





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