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發(fā)布時間:2018-02-02 15:57

  本文關(guān)鍵詞: 注冊制 信息披露 上市公司 監(jiān)管 制度完善 出處:《鄭州大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

[Abstract]:The registration system is a new issue system, the most prominent feature of which is that the securities regulatory body in the issuance audit, no longer check the value of the issuer's investment. China's current stock issuance system is the approval system. It is emphasized that the securities regulator has the right to decide whether the company can be listed or not. In 2013, the third Plenary session of the 18 CPC Central Committee focused on the future of the capital market. The first time in the central level proposed the strategic layout of the reform of the registration system of stock issuance, so that the reform opened the curtain. Under the registration system, listed companies will greatly reduce the threshold to enter the market. More companies will be involved in public financing. The influx of listed companies will make the stock market "mixed". Therefore, the registration system for the construction of supporting systems put forward higher requirements. Throughout the world, the implementation of the registration system in countries. The legal system of information disclosure is not only a powerful means to supervise securities, but also a legal system of information disclosure. It is also an effective measure to protect the rights and interests of investors. At present, our country is in the key period of registration system reform. The legal system of information disclosure shows a lot of incompatibility. Therefore, it is necessary to learn from the advanced experience of the mature market of registration system to perfect the legal system of information disclosure in our country. And finally for the implementation of the registration system escort. This paper closely adhere to the background of the reform of the registration system, the comprehensive use of case analysis. Historical analysis method and comparative analysis method to improve the legal system of information disclosure are studied. Firstly, the general theory of information disclosure legal system under the registration system is discussed. This paper introduces the connotation and characteristics of the registration system and the legal system of information disclosure, and analyzes the theory of cost and benefit. From the perspective of behavioral economics theory and social network analysis theory, this paper expounds the theoretical basis of the legal system of information disclosure, and points out the core position of the legal system of information disclosure in the registration system. This paper introduces the current situation of the legal system of information disclosure in China, and points out the problems existing in the legal system of information disclosure at the present stage, including the defects of legislation, the low quality of the whole and the inadequate supervision. Third, discusses the registration system of the United States and Japan of the legal system of information disclosure, respectively, introduced their respective development and status quo. Summarized the enlightenment to our country, including the complete information disclosure legal norm, the effective information disclosure supervision system and the perfect investor protection mechanism and so on. Finally, unifies the foreign country advanced experience. On the current information disclosure legal system does not adapt to the registration system put forward targeted recommendations. This part focuses on improving the legal norms of information disclosure to improve the overall quality of information disclosure. Strengthening the supervision of information disclosure and strengthening the construction of supporting system lay a solid foundation for perfecting the legal system of information disclosure and promoting the smooth implementation of the registration system.


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